Here we will discuss everything about Dua to create love in someone’s heart. We will learn what this dua is, how to make it, and what its benefits are. Inshallah, by understanding and implementing this dua into our lives, we can bring more love into the world! Ameen.
In Islam, dua is seen as the most powerful way to connect with Allah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“Dua is the weapon of the believer.”
This means that through dua, we can ask Allah for anything and He will help us. One of the best things to ask Allah for is love in someone’s heart.
Dua is an Arabic word that means “invocation.” It is a supplication or prayer made to God. Muslims believe that dua is a powerful way to request things from Allah and to make a connection with Him. The Dua to make someone fall in love with you is a powerful remedy to make someone love you back.
Dua to create love in someone’s heart is helpful for those who are looking for love or hoping to repair a broken relationship. We will discuss the meaning of the dua, how to perform it, and what its benefits are.
If you are facing problems in marriage then you can recite Dua for love marriage in Islam.
We hope that this blog post will be helpful for those of you who are seeking love or hoping to improve your current relationship. May Allah bless you all!
What is the Dua to Create Love in Someone’s Heart and How can it Help You?
The dua to Create Love in Someone’s Heart is a very special dua that is recited by many people across the world.
If you have questions about how a dua to create love can help you, then always remember that a dua has the power to create love and affection in someone’s heart.
There are many people who have benefited from this Dua and their life has completely changed. This Dua to create love in someone’s heart will help you to get rid of all the negative thoughts and emotions from your heart and it will also make your heart open to love.

If you want to make someone fall in love with you, then you should recite this Dua with full faith and trust in Allah. You will see that the person whom you love will start developing feelings for you and they will also start caring for you. This Dua to create love in someone’s heart is very effective and it has helped many people to achieve their desired goal.
You can read Dua to get someone back in your life if someone has left you and you want to bring them back.
How to Perform the Dua To Create Love In Someone’s Heart?
There are many different ways that you can perform the Dua to create love in someone’s heart. However, we will share one of the most popular methods below.
First, you will need to find a clean and quiet place where you can sit or stand comfortably.
It is important that you are facing the direction of Mecca. Once you have found a comfortable spot, you will then need to make ablution (or wudu). This simply means that you will need to wash your face, hands, and feet with clean water.
After you have made ablution, you will then need to recite Surah Al-Dhariyat from the Quran.
This surah can be found in chapter 51 of the holy book.
Once you have recited this surah, you will then need to recite the following verse:
“Wa min Aayaatiheee an khalaqa lakum min anfusikum azwaajal litaskunooo ilaihaa wa ja’ala bainakum mawad datanw wa rahmah; inna fee zaalika la Aayaatil liqawminy yatafakkaroon.” (Quran 30:21)
After you have recited this verse, you should then make du’a while visualizing the person you would like Allah to help create love between you and them.
It is important that during this du’a, you focus on your intention and speak from your heart. You can say any words that come naturally to you during this time.
Once you have made your du’a, you should then end by saying “ameen” three times.
You can then perform this dua as many times as you would like until your goal has been achieved.
Six Steps For Dua To Put Love In Someone’s Heart
The dua to put love in someone’s heart for you is an easy process to perform, and here are 6 steps to perform this method to create love and respect for you in anyone’s heart:
- Perform Wudu and sit on your prayer mat.
- Recite Durood Shareef three times.
- Recite “Ya Wadudu” 1100 times.
- Again, recite Durood Shareef three times.
- Imagine the person for whom you are performing the Dua and blow on his face.
- Pray to Allah SWT to create love for you in that person’s heart.
You have to practice this method for 21 days, and Insha Allah, you will get good results. Remember, you must keep your intentions pure and have faith in the process. If you want to change someone’s mind then read Dua To Change Someone’s Heart.

Dua to soften someone’s heart and create love in relationships
Sometimes, we feel like our partner is feeling less towards us.
In such cases, the dua to soften someone’s heart helps create love in a relationship. If you, too, are facing such situations and looking for a powerful dua to put love in your husband/wife (partner) heart, then you can ask Allah to soften someone’s heart by following this method –
- First, clean yourself and sit in a quiet and calm room.
- After that, recite ” BISMILLAHIR RAHMAN NIR RAHIM ” 786 times.
- Then recite Recite ” Surah An-Nisa ” 7 times.
- Keep thinking about softening that person’s heart for whom you are performing the dua.
Perform these four simple steps daily for one month, and soon, you will see the changes in that person’s heart. Always remember that your intentions should be pure because that’s the most important part of this dua. If you want to move on in your life then you can recite Dua to forget someone you love.
Dua to win over someone heart with love

Winning someone’s heart is a big task, but if you include an Islamic dua to win someone’s heart, you can do it quickly.
If you are looking to win someone’s heart and create love for you in their heart, then there is a dua in Islam to win back someone’s love and you can perform it by following this simple five steps method-
- Clean yourself and sit in a quiet place.
- Read Durood Ibhrahimi 21 times.
- After that, recite the following verse 100 times: “Allahumma alif bayna qulubina wa aslih dhata baynina wahdina subul as-salam.”
- Again, recite Durood Ibhrahimi 21 times.
- In the last step, raise your hands and pray to Allah SWT to help win someone’s heart.
While performing the dua, you must keep imagining the person for whom you are performing the Quranic Dua for love and affection. Perform this method for 21 days, and you will see a change in that person’s behavior towards you. The dua for love back can help you get your ex lover back in your life.
Meaning of the verse above for “dua to win someone’s heart”-
"O Allah, unite our hearts and reconcile our differences. Guide us to the ways of peace."
Dua for Increasing love and harmony in relationships

Mutual love is essential in every couple, and if you feel it’s missing in your relationship, you can read the Dua for Increasing Love and Harmony in Relationships. If you want to perform the Dua to develop feelings of love in your married life, then follow this method-
- Perform this method after fajr prayer.
- Recite Durood Shareef 7 times.
- After that, recite verse number 74 of Surah Furqan 100 times.
- Then again, recite Durood Shareef 7 times.
- The last step is to pray to Almighty Allah and ask him to increase love and harmony between you and your partner.
To increase your partner’s love, you have to perform the Dua for mutual love for 21 days. Make sure to keep it a secret. If you feel like someone doesn’t want you both happy, you can recite the Manzil dua to protect your relationship.
The dua for increasing love in a relationship is the best Quranic remedy for a couple going through a hard time. If you have any doubts, you can comment below, and we will guide you.
Wazifa to create/put love in someone heart
The wazifa to create or put love in someone’s heart is an old Quranic prayer that can help you gain love and respect from someone. You can perform this wazifa for love and kindness for your boss, family, or friends.
To perform this wazifa for creating love to ask Allah to put love in someone heart for you, make a fresh ablution and recite durood sharif seven times at the start and recite “Allahumma inni as’aluka hubbaka wa hubba man yuhibbuka, wal-‘amala alladhi yuballighuni hubbaka.” 100 times and then again recite durood sharif and pray to Allah for your wish of getting love from that person.
What Are The Benefits Of Performing The Dua To Create Love In Someone’s Heart?
Muslims believe that there are many benefits of performing the dua to create love in someone’s heart. Some of these benefits include:
- Bringing peace and happiness into your life.
- Healing broken relationships.
- You will be able to attract your loved ones towards you, and they will start loving you more than ever before.
- Creating strong bonds between people.
- Your relationship with your loved one will become stronger and more pleasant.
- Helping people find true love.
- Improving your married life.
- You can solve all the problems in your relationship and live a happy life with your partner.
People also ask {FAQ}
How do you pray to Allah to get someone you love?
If you want to get someone you love, then you must pray to Allah; for that, recite Ya Wadudu (Allah’s Lovely Name) 1001 times in the morning and evening. Insha Allah, You will soon get that person in your life.
Can I make dua to marry a specific person?
You can perform a Dua to marry a specific person you love. You have to recite Surah Taha after every prayer for 21 days. In the end, raise your hands and ask Allah SWT to make your wish come true. Insha Allah, within a few days, you will see positive changes in your love marriage situation.
How to put love in someone’s heart in Islam?
If you want to put love in someone’s heart in Islam, it’s really easy. All you have to do is pray to Allah SWT with your heart, and Insha Allah; you will see the blessings of the Almighty.
The Dua to create love in someone’s heart is a powerful remedy that can help you win hearts. You can create love and respect for you in the hearts of the people you love.
If you would like us to perform this dua for you, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will help you to strengthen your relationship and bring more love into your life. Have you ever performed this dua yourself? What were the results? Let us know in the comments below. May Allah bless you with His love and mercy. Ameen.
I don’t have a father, but you are like my father because I am happily married to the person I love today. Only you could have helped me transform my broken relationship into a marriage of harmony.
Jazakallah beta
Thanks! I don’t have words to express my gratitude towards you, Bilal Bhaijaan. My marriage was going through a really bad stage, and I believe if I hadn’t contacted you, my marriage would have ended in divorce, but you really saved me and helped me create love in my husband’s heart for me.