Salam! Do you feel blessed and want to thank Allah SWT but don’t know how to show gratitude? By reading the powerful dua for thanking Allah (SWT) from this article, you can thank Almighty and show your respect.
No matter what we are going through in life, whether we are happy or sad, always remember to thank Allah because he is our provider and protector. Some people only remember Him in hardships. We always say if you remember Him in good times, you will never face the tough times.
The best way to thank him is by saying “Alhamdulillah” (All praise is for Allah) daily. It Will bring positive changes and blessings into your life!
To understand Allah better and feel closer to Him when saying a dua, you can learn the 99 Names of Allah, which show His different qualities and help us thank Him in a special way.
Benefits of Being Thankful to Allah (SWT):
- Brings More Blessings: When we thank Allah SWT, we show gratitude to him, and it helps us receive more blessings from Him. “If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favour]” (Surah Ibrahim 14:7).
- Increases Happiness and Fulfilment: Thanking Allah helps us feel happier and brings a sense of life satisfaction.
- Strengthens Faith: Regularly thanking Allah increases our trust and faith in Him. It reminds us that everything we have comes from His love and mercy.
- Brings Peace to the Heart: Gratitude helps calm our minds and hearts, reducing stress and worry. Dua for thank Allah is a way to feel peaceful, knowing Allah is always caring for us.
- Decrease stress: Everyone experiences a lot of stress in today’s world, and you can stay mentally healthy by being thankful to Allah.
When you thank Allah with a dua, you can also ask Him for help with your wishes by reading the Dua To Get Anything You Want, so He can bless you with more good things.
If you want to perform a specific dua to thank Allah SWT, we have provided a few powerful duas below.
Dua For Thanks To Allah SWT:
Alhamdulillahi ‘alaa kulli haal (الحمد لله على كل حال)
“Praise be to Allah in every situation.”
Thanking Allah can bring a lot of blessings to a person’s life. So, if you want to thank the Almighty, then follow the steps given below:
Step no. | Explanation of How To Do The Step |
1. | Perform wudu to clean yourself. |
2. | Read the following verse: “Alhamdulillahi ‘alaa kulli haal” 500 times. |
3. | Recite this dua when facing any situation, whether good or challenging, to show gratitude and happiness. |

If you want extra protection and blessings from Allah, you can also recite the Surah Manzil Dua, which helps keep you safe and thankful for all of Allah’s gifts.
Thank You Allah Dua:
In our point of view as an Islamic scholar the best way to overcome difficulties and hardship is to thank Allah SWT by reading the following dua:
(اللهم إني أسألك أن تجعلني من الشاكرين)
Allahumma inni as’aluka an taj’alani min ash-shakireen
“O Allah, I ask You to make me among those who are thankful.”
A dua to ask Allah for the ability to always be grateful and appreciate His blessings.
Step no. | Explanation of How To Do The Step |
1. | Perform wudu (Ablution). |
2. | If possible then Find a Quiet Space where you can focus on your connection with Allah. |
3. | Read the following verse: “Allahumma inni as’aluka an taj’alani min ash-shakireen” 500 times. |
4. | As you recite, think about the blessings you’re thankful for to Allah SWT. |

Make this thank you Allah dua a daily habit to make your relationship stronger with Allah and continuously express gratitude.
If you have a special wish or need, you can also make the Salatul Hajat Dua, a prayer that helps you ask Allah for what you need, while also thanking Him for everything He has already given you.
Dua To Thank Allah For His Favour and Blessings:
If you want to show your gratitude to Almighty then pray the following Dua to thank Allah for his blessings and favours:

Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika
(سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ)
“Glory is to You, O Allah, and praise.”
- When to Say It: This can be recited in the morning and evening or anytime you want to express your gratitude.
- How to Say It: Recite it with focus and sincerity, understanding that you are glorifying and thanking Allah.
If you are struggling with debts, you can also make the Dua For Repayment of Debts to ask Allah for help in clearing them, while also thanking Him for the blessings you already have.
“Alhamdulillah” Dua For Thanking Allah:
Saying Alhamdulillah is the most common way to show your gratitude towards Allah SWT.

(الحمد لله)
“All praise is due to Allah.”
This is the simplest and most powerful way to express gratitude to Allah for all His blessings.
- When to Say It: Say “Alhamdulillah” throughout the day, whenever you feel thankful. It can be said after waking up, eating, or whenever you remember Allah’s blessings.
- How to Say It: Simply recite it softly or in your heart, while being mindful of its meaning.
If you’re feeling worried or stressed, you can also say the Dua For Peace of Mind to help calm your heart and mind, while thanking Allah for His blessings and guidance.
What is the reward of thanking Allah?
The reward of thanking Allah is that He gives you more blessings. When you say “thank you” to Allah (like saying “Alhamdulillah”), He becomes happy with you and promises to give you even more good things. It also makes your heart feel happy and peaceful.
What is the dua for thanking Allah?
The best and simple dua for thanking Allah is “Alhamdulillah” (الحمد لله), which means “All praise is for Allah.” You can say this whenever you feel thankful for something. It makes Allah happy and helps you remember all the good things He has given you.
How do you express gratitude to Allah?
You can express gratitude to Allah by saying “Rabbana lakal hamd” (رَبَّنَا لَكَ الْحَمْدُ), which means “Our Lord, to You belongs all praise.” You can say this whenever you feel happy or thankful for something. It’s like saying thank you to Allah for all the good things in your life.
Why is it important to give thanks to Allah?
It is important to give thanks to Allah because He gives us everything we have, like our family, food, and health. When we say thank you, Allah, it makes Him happy, and He gives us even more blessings. Being thankful also makes our hearts feel good and helps us remember how much Allah loves us.
In conclusion, making Dua for Thanking Allah is a beautiful way to show our gratitude for all the blessings He has given us. Whether it’s big or small, everything we have is a gift from Allah. By praying and thanking Him, we not only feel happy and peaceful but also grow closer to Him. Remember, Allah is always listening, and every prayer, no matter how simple, is special to Him. So, let’s make it a habit to thank Allah every day and ask for His continued blessings and guidance.