Salaam! Do you think someone has put a nazar (evil eyes) on you or someone you care about? The best Islamic way to remove the evil eye and protect yourself is Ruqyah.
In this article, we will tell you what is ruqyah for evil eyes and nazar. It will help you protect yourself from all negative energies with the blessings of Allah SWT.
We want you to read the complete article to learn how to perform ruqyah for yourself. Remember, without complete knowledge, you will not reap the benefits of ruqyah.
If you want to make an important decision and need Allah’s guidance, you can learn about Istikhara dua, which helps you ask Allah for the best choice.
What is Ruqyah?
Ruqyah is like a special prayer in Islam where you read verses from the Quran and say certain prayers to ask Allah for protection and healing.
People use Ruqyah when they feel scared, sick, or when something bad is happening, like feeling the effects of the evil eye or bad energy. It’s a way to ask Allah to keep them safe and help them feel better. Ruqyah is believed to help remove negative influences, such as the effects of black magic, evil eye (nazar), or possession by harmful spirits (jinn).
When someone does Ruqyah, they may read Surahs like Surah Al-Fatihah, Ayat al-Kursi, and Surah Al-Ikhlas. This reminds us that Allah is very powerful and can protect us from anything. It’s like asking for Allah’s help in a very special way.
If you’re hoping for something special, you can also try the Dua To Get What You Want, which helps you ask Allah for the things you need with trust and faith.
What Is Evil Eye and How It Can Effect You:
The evil eye is when someone looks at you with jealousy or envy, even without meaning to, and it can bring bad luck or make you feel unwell. It’s like when someone wishes they had what you have, and that look can cause problems.
The evil eye can make a person feel tired, sad, or even get sick suddenly without any clear reason. Sometimes, things may go wrong all at once, like getting hurt or feeling unlucky.
The signs of being affected by the evil eye include headaches, feeling weak, or not feeling like yourself. That’s why people make special duas and do Ruqyah to ask Allah for protection.
Another helpful prayer you can use for protection is the Surah Manzil Dua, which is a special set of verses from the Quran that help keep you safe from harm.
Ruqyah in the Quran and Sunnah:
Ruqyah is taught in Islam through the Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It’s a way of asking Allah for help and protection when we feel scared, sick, or when something bad is happening.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to do Ruqyah for himself and others, showing that it is an important and good thing to do. This practice helps remind us that Thanking Allah is the only thing that can keep us safe and make us feel better.
Quranic Verses Commonly Used in Ruqyah
In Ruqyah, we read powerful and protective verses from the Quran. These verses help keep away bad things and make us feel calm and safe. Reciting these verses is like putting a shield around us. They remind us that Allah’s words are our strongest protection.
Specific Surahs and Ayats for Protection
People often use specific Surahs and Ayats in Ruqyah. These include Surah Al-Fatihah (1:1-7), which is the opening chapter and is very powerful for healing. Ayat al-Kursi (2:255) is another strong verse about Allah’s greatness and is known for protecting against harm. Surah Al-Ikhlas (112), Surah Al-Falaq (113), and Surah An-Nas (114) are also used because they ask Allah to protect us from things that can hurt us, like jealousy or bad spirits.
Recommended Duas from Authentic Hadith
There are also special duas (prayers) from the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that are recommended for Ruqyah. One famous dua is:
“A’udhu bi kalimatillahi at-tammati min sharri ma khalaq” which means, “I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He has created.”
These Ruqyah duas for evil eyes help us ask Allah to keep us safe from anything that might harm us and remind us to trust in His power and care.
If you’re working hard and want success in your business, you can also try the Dua for a Successful Business to ask Allah for His blessings and guidance.
How To Prepare To Do Ruqyah For Protection From Black Magic On Yourself:
Getting ready for Ruqyah is important to make sure it is done properly. Before starting, it’s good to be calm and focused. You should be in a place where you feel safe and comfortable. This helps you connect better with Allah as you ask for His help and protection. Being prepared makes the Ruqyah more powerful and meaningful.
Steps for Purification
Purification means making yourself clean before doing Ruqyah for black magic. This can be done by performing wudu, which is washing certain parts of your body, such as your hands, face, and feet. Wudu is a way of getting ready to talk to Allah and shows that you respect Him. It helps you feel fresh and ready to focus on the prayers and Quranic recitations.
Creating a Clean and Peaceful Environment
It’s important to do ruqyah for nazar in a clean and peaceful place. This could be a quiet room where there is no noise or distractions. You might want to sit on a prayer mat and face the Qiblah (the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca). A clean and peaceful place helps you stay calm and pay full attention to your words.
Setting the Right Intention (Niyyah)
Before starting Ruqyah, you should make your niyyah, which means setting the intention in your heart. This is a way of reminding yourself why you are doing ruqyah for evil eyes—to ask Allah for protection or healing. Saying in your heart, “I am doing this Ruqyah to ask for Allah’s help and protection,” helps make the practice more sincere and powerful. The right intention shows that you truly believe in Allah’s power to help you.
If you have a special need or request, you can also perform Salatul Hajat Dua, which helps you ask Allah for help with your wishes and problems.
How to Perform Ruqyah for Evil Eye Protection:
Ruqyah for evil eye protection is a way to ask Allah to keep us safe from harm. You can do this yourself at home by following a few simple steps. It involves reading verses from the Quran and saying duas (prayers) to ask Allah for help. Doing Ruqyah makes us feel strong and protected because we know Allah is looking after us.
Step-by-Step Guide on How To Do Ruqyah For Nazar:
Start by Saying “Bismillah”:
Begin by saying “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah) to invite Allah’s help.
Recite Surah Al-Fatihah:
Read Surah Al-Fatihah slowly and clearly, thinking about Allah’s power.
Read Ayat al-Kursi (Surah 2:255):
This verse talks about how great and powerful Allah is. It helps protect you.
Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas:
These Surahs ask for protection from harm and evil.
Repeat the Verses a Few Times:
You should read these verses for seven times for stronger protection.
Blow Gently Over Your Hands:
After reading, blow over your hands softly.
Wipe Your Hands Over Your Body:
Use your hands to gently wipe over your chest and other parts of your body while thinking about Allah’s care and protection.
Make a Simple Dua:
Ask Allah in your own words to keep you safe and strong, like, “O Allah, please protect me from harm and keep me safe.”

How to Blow Over Water or Olive Oil to Use During the Process:
You can make the dua even stronger by reciting the Quran over water or olive oil. After reading the verses, gently blow over the water or oil. This way, the blessing of the Quran goes into it. You can drink the water or rub the olive oil on yourself for extra protection. This step shows that you trust Allah’s help and want His blessings around you.
If you’re struggling with debts, you can also try the Dua for Repayment of Debts, which helps you ask Allah to make it easier for you to clear your financial burdens.
How to Monitor for Improvement or Signs of Relief After Reading Ruqyah:
Pay Attention to How You Feel: | After doing Dua For Protection, notice if you feel better, happier, or more relaxed. Feeling less scared or worried is a good sign. |
Check for Less Pain or Sickness: | If you did dua because you were feeling sick, see if the pain is going away or if you feel stronger. |
Look for Better Sleep: | If you start sleeping better and wake up feeling good, this means the Ruqyah is helping. |
Notice Fewer Bad Dreams: | If you were having nightmares or scary dreams, check if they happen less often or stop. |
Feel More Calm and Peaceful: | If you feel calmer and not as scared or upset, it shows the Ruqyah is working. |
Keep Doing Ruqyah if Needed: | If you’re still not feeling better, it’s okay to do Ruqyah again and keep asking Allah for His help. |
Talk to an Islamic Scholar: | If you’re unsure, ask an Islamic Scholar to help you see if things are getting better. |
Precautions and Important Points to Remember Before Reading Ruqyah:
- Avoid Non-Islamic Practices: When doing Ruqyah for nazar, make sure to use only Quranic verses and duas taught by the Prophet (peace be upon him). Don’t mix it with things that are not part of Islam, like using magic spells or strange objects. This can make Ruqyah less helpful and is not allowed in Islam.
- Be Patient and Consistent: This method might not work right away, and that’s okay. It’s important to do it regularly and be patient. Just like when you take medicine, you need to keep going until you feel better. Keep doing Ruqyah for evil eyes with a strong heart and believe that help will come from Allah.
- Trust in Allah’s Will: Remember that Allah knows what is best for us. While doing the dua, trust that He is listening and will protect you in the best way possible. Sometimes, the answer to our prayers might be different from what we expect, but it is always what Allah knows is best for us.
These points will help make sure your Ruqyah is strong, true, and done in a way that pleases Allah.
Benefits of Regular Ruqyah:
- Helps Keep You Safe: Doing Ruqyah often can help protect you from bad things, like the evil eye or negative energy. It’s like a shield that keeps you safe with Allah’s help.
- Brings Peace to Your Heart: When you recite Quranic verses and make duas, it helps you feel calmer and less worried. It’s a way to remind yourself that Allah is always with you, and this can make you feel peaceful and happy.
- Makes You Feel Stronger: Regular Ruqyah can help you feel stronger inside. When you do it, you know that Allah is taking care of you, which can give you more confidence and make you feel brave.
- Keeps Bad Dreams Away: If you have scary dreams or nightmares, Ruqyah can help make them go away. Reciting special Surahs and verses before bedtime can help you sleep better and feel safe at night.
- Brings You Closer to Allah: When you do Ruqyah regularly, it’s like talking to Allah and asking Him for His help. This makes your bond with Him stronger and reminds you that He is always there to listen to you.
These benefits show why doing Ruqyah is a good habit. It keeps you protected, helps you feel calm and strong, and reminds you that Allah’s love and protection are always with you.
Ruqyah for black magic is a special way to ask Allah for help and protection. By using Quranic verses and duas, we can feel safe and close to Allah. It’s a simple but powerful way to make sure we are protected from things like the evil eye or worries that bother us. Ruqyah reminds us that Allah is always there to care for us.
It’s a good idea to make Ruqyah a part of your everyday life. Just like brushing your teeth or saying your daily prayers, doing Ruqyah can become a habit that helps you feel peaceful and protected. Even a few minutes of reciting verses or saying duas can make a big difference. When you do Ruqyah regularly, it helps you stay strong and reminds you that Allah is always by your side.
Always remember that the best protection and healing come from Allah. While doing Ruqyah, trust in Him with all your heart. Even if things take time, have faith that Allah knows what’s best for you. He loves and cares for you, and by asking Him for help, you are showing that you believe in His power. This trust makes you feel safe and supported every day.