Asalaam Alaikum to all the readers of Dua ilm. Let’s discuss about Halaal Dua to find Soulmate And True Love. There is a lot of misinformation online about this topic. So we will provide you with all the information you need to know about Dua for your soulmate.
Looking for your soulmate might make you feel sad at times. Maybe you’ve been in bad relationships before or never really let anyone get close to you. All the partners you have met seem unable to understand you.
So to find your soulmate and true love. You can use our effective Dua for true love meant for you by the blessings of Almighty Allah (SWT).
You can recite Dua to put love in someone heart if you like someone and want to marry them.
What is the best dua to find your true Love?
When we pray, we often share with the Allah (SWT) our personal requests and trust him with our heart. Whether you are young or older, and whether or not you are happy being single, you might still deeply wish to find love or be reunited with a soulmate.
The Dua to make someone fall in love with you is a method from Quran which will help you to gain love and respect form other person.
So here is the dua to find your soulmate which you have to do with trust in Allah (SWT) and ask him to help us open our hearts to the love plan he has for each of us.
Dua to ask Allah for soulmate and love
When you perform a dua to find your soulmate and ask Allah for it, remember that your intention is key. We all know that we can not get anything without the Almighty Lord’s grace, so if we want something in our lives, then what is a better way than to ask Allah for it?

If you want to achieve success, then follow this step-by-step method of Best Dua for finding love-
First, make a fresh wudu and wear neat and washed clothes.
After that, read Durood Ibhrahimi 11 times.
Then recite (Surah Al-Qasas, 28:24) 100 times.
Again, read Durood Ibhrahimi 11 times and pray to Allah SWT for finding your soulmate and love.
Perform this method for 21 days and you will be able to find your soulmate and love. Also, you can read Dua for love marriage if you will face any problem in getting married to that person.

Here is the Arabic translation and the meaning of this dua to find true love –

How To Pronounce this Dua to Find Soulmate And True Love?
Remember, it’s important to recite the dua correctly without changing any letters, as doing so would be considered a mistake and a sin. Therefore, we have provided the correct pronunciation to help you recite the dua properly.
Pronunciating this dua for love is essential to finding a Soulmate And True Love. If you need further assistance, feel free to contact us via our Whats App numbers.”
If you’ve ended a relationship impatiently, there’s still a chance to rekindle the love between you. For that, you can read Dua to Make Someone Miss You.
Simple Steps To Perform Dua To Find Your Soulmate
- Before starting the prayer, make sure that you have taken a good bath.
- Start this dua without any negative thoughts.
- First recite Surah Al-Infitaar ( The Splitting Asunder 82 ) and Surah Al-Qadr ( The Majesty 97 ) eleven times each
- Next, recite Ayatul Kursi 11 times.
- Then recite the dua provided above.
- Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) from your heart to find your true love.

Performing this dua for seven consecutive days can bring about remarkable changes in your life and help you find the true love you’ve been seeking.
If you want to pray for the happiness and well-being of someone you care about, you can say the Dua For Someone You Love to ask Allah to protect and bless them.
If you want any kind of assistance and help than you can contact on our WhatsApp numbers.
Dua to find a loving and caring partner
Do you want a loving and caring partner, and for that, you are scrolling the internet in search of a dua to find the right partner? Well, let me tell you something: Your search ends right here because we are giving you a powerful dua by which you will be able to find the true love you are seeking.
To perform this dua, read “Rabbi habli min ladunka zawjan tayyiban, wathabbit qalbahu ‘alayya” after fajr salaah 786 times and pray to Allah SWT to help you find the perfect life partner for you. Perform this “Dua for soulmate in Islam” for one month and you will meet a caring and loving life partner.
If you want to get someone back in your life then you can read Dua for someone to come back to you.
Islamic prayer for meeting your future spouse
If you want to meet your future spouse, read, “Rabbi habli min ladunka zawjan salihan yuhibbu wa yarda.” Read this verse 786 times after fajr salaah. After reading the verse, you must pray to the Almighty to bless and guide you. You have to perform this Islamic prayer for finding true love for one month to meet your spouse.
If you’re looking for a special prayer for when you meet your partner for the first time, you can read the Husband Wife Dua For First Meeting With Wife to start your relationship with love and blessings.
Powerful Dua For Getting True Love
If you want to get your true love then recite the following dua for true love. It will help to ask Allah SWT for help in love related issues:
Step no. | Explanation of How To Do The Step |
1. | Perform wudu to clean yourself. |
2. | Recite Durood Sharif six times. |
3. | Read “Ya Wadudu” (The Lovely Name of Allah) 500 times. |
4. | After complete reading Allah’s name, again recite Durood Shareef six times. |
5. | Pray sincerely to Allah SWT for getting true love. |

A person can read Dua to forget someone you love if they have had a bad experience in the past and want to move on in life.
People Also Ask (FAQ)
How to find your soulmate in Islam?
If you are looking to find your soulmate through Islam, you can follow the following method: Read Durood Sharif three times at the start and end of the Dua and then read Surah Al-Ahzab 101 times. After that, pray to Allah SWT to help you find your soulmate.
How do I ask Allah for my soulmate?
If you want to Ask Allah SWT to get your soulmate in your life, then you can pray to Allah SWT. After every Prayer, read ya wadudu 100 times and ask almighty for your soulmate.