Salaam! Do you want to become a good Muslim by getting rid of bad thoughts? The Dua for getting rid of bad thoughts will help you remove bad thoughts from your mind.
We know it’s hard to take complete control of your mind, but if you truly follow Eden with your heart, then it will become simple to do so and eliminate all negative and bad thoughts.
In this article, we will discuss multiple duas for overcoming bad thoughts and inviting positivity into your life. Please read the entire article carefully so you won’t miss any important points.
If you’re feeling sad or worried, reading a Dua For Sorrow and Anxiety can help you feel calm and happy again.
Amazing Dua For Removing Bad Thoughts:
Having bad thoughts can be physiological, but it’s not good for a human, according to Islam, and also, you are not good for society. Bad thoughts might push you to commit something you will regret forever. Taking Allah’s name is a remedy to deal with devil.
The dua to remove bad thoughts from your mind is your holy weapon for fighting with yourself and finding a positive path in life.
If you want to perform the dua for bad thoughts to go away, then you can follow the steps given in the table below:
Step no. | Explanation of How To Do The Step |
1. | Perform wudu to clean yourself. |
2. | Recite Durood Sharif five times. |
3. | Read the following verse: “A’udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim” 500 times. (Translation: “I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil.”) |
4. | After completing the verse, again recite Durood Shareef five times. |
5. | Pray sincerely to Allah SWT to protect you from bad thoughts. |

If you ever wish for something special, you can read the Dua To Get What You Want, which helps you ask Allah for what is in your heart.
Powerful Dua For Getting Rid of Bad Thoughts:
Getting rid of bad thoughts might seem hard for an individual who is experiencing them, but the dua to get rid of bad thoughts is so powerful that it can help you remove all the negativity from your mind.
If you’re struggling with negative thoughts, you can also try Ruqyah for protection, which is a special form of prayer that helps cleanse the mind and bring peace.
Bad thoughts will reflect in your behavior and cut you off from society. This is not good for any human being.
Put your complete faith in Allah SWT and follow the steps below to perform Dua For Getting Rid of Bad Thoughts:
Step no. | Explanation |
1. | Clean yourself by performing wudu. |
2. | Recite Durood Sharif with Ayatul Kursi three times. |
3. | Read the following Verse: “Allahumma inni as’aluka nafsan mutma’innah” 500 times. (Translation: “O Allah, I ask You for a soul that is content and peaceful.”) |
4. | Again, recite Durood Sharif with Ayatul Kursi three times. |
5. | Pray sincerely to Allah SWT, asking to get rid of bad thoughts. |

When you want to feel calm and happy, saying a Dua For Peace of Mind can help make your thoughts feel lighter and peaceful.
Effective Dua For Negative Thoughts:
The dua to get rid of bad thoughts is for a person who wants to get blessings of Allah SWT and wants to live the life of a true Muslim.
We have seen people around us who do not get respect in the community because of their harmful personalities, and the reason for that is their negative thoughts.
The best Islamic way to convert negative thoughts into positive ones is the dua for negative thoughts given below step by step:
Perform Wudu and stay in the form of ablution while reading the dua.
Recite Darood Ibrahimi seven times.
Read the following verse: “Ya Muqallibal-qulub, thabbit qalbi ‘ala dinik” 500 times.
Again recite Durood Ibrahimi seven times.
Pray to Allah SWT to protect you from negative thoughts.
Reciting this dua for bad thoughts regularly, with sincerity and focus, can help purify the mind and keep negative thoughts at bay.

The Translation of the dua given above: “O Turner of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion.” (Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3522)
After getting rid of bad thoughts, it’s good to say a Dua For Thanking Allah (SWT) to show gratitude for His help and kindness.
What dua is for getting rid of evil thoughts?
If you have bad or evil thoughts and want to feel better, you can say this simple dua: “La ilaha illa anta, subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zalimin.” This helps keep your mind safe from bad thoughts. Just say it whenever you feel upset or worried, and remember that Allah is always there to help and protect you.
Which surah stops bad thoughts?
If you want to stop bad thoughts, you can read Surah An-Naas from the Quran. This Surah is short and easy to remember. It asks Allah to protect us from the whispers of Shaytan (the devil) and anything that tries to make us think bad thoughts.
What dua is for negative thoughts and anxiety?
If you feel worried or have negative thoughts, you can say this special dua to feel better: “Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakeel.” This dua helps remind you that Allah is always taking care of you and protecting you from anything that makes you scared or anxious. Say it whenever you feel worried, and it will help you feel safer and calmer.
In conclusion, when bad thoughts make you feel upset or worried, Dua for getting rid of bad thoughts can help bring peace to your heart and mind. By praying and asking for help from Allah, you can find comfort and strength to let go of negative feelings.
Remember, it’s important to stay patient, trust in Allah’s guidance, and keep your heart full of positivity. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, just take a moment to pray and feel the peace that comes from trusting in Allah’s help.