Are you struggling to get a good partner for yourself? Do you want to get a faithful and desired partner in your life? Are you ready to do anything to make your life full of love? Then you are in the right place. You can perform this Powerful Dua For Good Life Partner. It will help you to attract your ideal and perfect match who understands you, takes care of you, and respects you.
There is no doubt that a loving heart can give and attract more love. However, even if you are kind to others, you might not attract the right person to marry. This can make finding a happy marriage feel difficult. But this miraculous dua for desired partner will help you to attract a loving and caring spouse for marriage.
Check out our Dua For Marriage if you’re interested in someone and looking for guidance on how to remove hurdles and convince your parents for marriage.
How To Ask Allah For A Righteous Spouse?
In Islam, choosing a good life partner is very important. Marriage is not just a social agreement; it helps people find happiness in both their social and personal lives.
If you’re struggling to find a suitable marriage proposal and are getting older, learn how to make dua for good marriage proposals in our guide here.
Muslims should ask Allah for guidance in this choice to ensure it follows Islamic values. Here’s a simple guide on How To Ask Allah For A Righteous Spouse and Good Life Partner?
Effective Dua for Good Life Partner

If you want to marry a person with whom you can feel free to share your thoughts and love, then the following Islamic prayer will help you ask Allah SWT for a perfect life partner.
- Start by performing Wudu (ablution) to cleanse yourself.
- Pray 2 rakats of Salatul Hajat (prayer for needs).
- Recite Surah Al-Fatiha once to start.
- Recite Surah Ar-Rahman (Chapter 55) completely.
- After reciting the dua, ask Allah specifically for a good, righteous partner with love and sincerity.
- End your prayer by sending Salawat (blessings) upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
💡 Reminder: Always make dua with full sincerity, faith, and gratitude. Alongside dua, maintain good character and trust in Allah’s timing.
6 Steps to Perform Dua for Getting Good Husband
Step no. | How to-do |
1. | Perform wudu and sit in a calm place. |
2. | Pray two Raka’ts of the Nafil prayer. |
3. | Read Surah Al-Qasas. |
4. | Recite the following verse of (Surah Taha, 20:39) “Wa alqaetu ‘alaika mahabbatan minni.” 500 times. |
5. | Read Ayatul Kursi. |
6. | Make a Dua and ask Allah To bless you with a good and righteous husband. |

Perform this dua for one month, and Allah will send you a good husband or life partner with whom you can spend your life happily.
Dua For Good Spouse From Quran
If you are looking for a good spouse. In Islam, making a Dua for Good Spouse From Quran is a powerful way to ask Allah for guidance and blessings in finding the right partner. Here is the dua for a desired and faithful partner.
Love marriages face many obstacles, such as financial issues, society pressures, or personal disputes if you find yourself in such a situation then you can perform Nadia ali dua Wazifa For Marriage.

If you’re seeking blessings in your marriage, recite Surah Ar Rahman for Marriage to invite love, harmony, and mercy into your relationship.
Dua For Good Spouse Transliteration:
Allah umma inni as’aluka Hubbaka, wa Hubba man yu Hibbuka, wal-‘amala lladhi yubal lighuni Hubbaka. Allahumm-aj’al Hubbaka ahabba ilayya min naf si, wa ahli, wa minal-ma’il-ba ridi.
(Jami` at-Tirmidhi)
Dua For a Good Husband in Arabic:
،اللهم إني أسألك حبك، وحب من يحبك، والعمل الذي يبلغني حبك
اللهم اجعل حبك أحب إليّ من نفسي، وأهلي، ومن الماء البارد
Dua For Righteous Spouse in English:
O Allah! I ask You to grant me Your Love, the love of those who love You, and the actions that will earn me Your Love. O Allah! Make Your Love dearer to me than myself, family, life partner, and even the cold water in winter.
To ensure your husband’s safety and well-being, consider reciting this Dua For Husband Protection and ask Allah to safeguard him from harm and negativity.
Some Additional Tips for Performing Dua For Good Life Partner
Start with Sincere Intentions | Before making dua for good spouse, it’s important to have the right intentions. When you ask for a partner, your intention should be to marry for Allah’s sake, to build a loving and supportive family, and to help each other in faith. |
Make Dua After Regular Prayers | After you finish the five daily salah, make it a habit to ask Allah for a good life partner. Take a moment during your prayers to say this, dua, mentioning the qualities you want. Doing this regularly will keep your heart connected to Allah and show you are serious about finding a good partner. |
Perform Istikhara | When you have someone in mind as your future partner, You can perform Istikhara Dua for marriage to ask for Allah’s guidance. This special prayer helps you decide whether this person is best for you. |
Take Advice from family members | Talk to knowledgeable family members or close friends who follow Islamic values. They can give good advice and help you find a suitable spouse. |
Avoid Haram Things | When looking for a partner, avoid actions that go against Islamic teachings, like dating in non-Islamic ways. Instead, use halal methods to get to know someone. You can meet with family or get introduced in a respectful, Islamic manner. |
If you have someone special in mind, you can recite this Dua To Get Married To A Specific Person to ask Allah for His guidance and blessings in bringing you together.
How To Perform Powerful Dua For Getting A Righteous Husband

This is a special dua to seek guidance from Allah when you are finding a life partner (good spouse). Below is a step-by-step guide to help you perform Wazifa For Good Life Partner:
Perform Fresh Ablution
Before starting the wazifa, Make a fresh ablution ( wuzu ) and clean yourself.
Recite Ya Wadudu
Recite Ya Wadudu eleven times. This is one of Allah’s beautiful names, and it means “The One who is full of love.”
Recite Verse 74 of Surah Al-Furqan 121 times
Surah For Finding a Good Life Partner is “Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a’yunin waj ‘alna lilmuttaqina imama.”
Now Recite The Above Dua
Dua For Good Spouse is Allah umma inni as’aluka Hubbaka, wa Hubba man yu Hibbuka, wal-‘amala lladhi yubal lighuni Hubbaka. Allahumm-aj’al Hubbaka ahabba ilayya min naf si, wa ahli, wa minal-ma’il-ba ridi.
Finally Make a Heartfelt Dua
Make a simple, personal dua from your heart, like: “O Allah, bless me with a righteous spouse who is good for my religion, my life, and my Hereafter.”
Perform this Powerful Dua For Good Life Partner for 10 to 15 days. Inshallah you will a compatible partner for marriage. If you want any help then you can consult us for free on our what’s app numbers.
FAQ About Dua For Good Spouse
Is there any specific surah to recite for finding a good spouse?
Yes, you can recite Surah Al-Baqarah and Surah Yasin regularly, as these are beneficial for finding a desired life partner. Make sure to perform wudu before reading the surahs and stay in the form of wudu while reading.
Can I make dua for a specific person to be my spouse?
Yes, You can recite Surah Taha dua to make a specific perform your spouse make sure to perform wudu and recite Durood Sharif in the start and end of your dua.
Can i recite this dua for someone else?
Yes, you can make this dua for someone else too. You can also ask your family members or friends to pray for you.
Final Thoughts on Powerful Dua For Good Life Partner
Making a Dua For Good Life Partner is an effective way to ask for help in finding the right spouse for marriage. You should have sincere intention, patience, and trust in Allah’s plan while looking for a desired spouse.
Allah is the best planner and knows what is best for everyone. Along with practical efforts and communication this dua can help one find a good spouse who is beneficial for this life and the Hereafter.
If you need some help regarding this dua then you can consult us on What’s App for free.