Powerful Dua to Get Someone Back in Your Life

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AsslamAlikum, Do you want to get your lover or husband back in your life? Don’t worry—the Dua To Get Someone Back in Your Life will answer all your questions about how to get someone back in Islam.

Isn’t it amazing that you can ask Allah SWT for help in solving any kind of trouble you are facing? This page will guide you to bring someone you love back into your life.

The Dua to make someone fall in love with you can increase respect in someone’s heart for you.

How This Dua Will Help You To Get Someone Back?

If someone is angry with you and doesn’t want to keep any contact with you, then this Quranic prayer will help you bring them back into your life.

Today, on the internet, you will find tons of duas about the same problem, but you need clarification about which one to read or which one to ignore.

Well, on Duailm we don’t believe in confusing someone, so we will provide a few simple duas that will be enough for you because, in the end, everything is in Allah’s hand; we can only request him.

Some important points to keep in mind before performing the dua:

If you choose a dua to perform from the below list, then you must consider these precautions; otherwise, you won’t get your desired results-

  • It is meaningful to maintain the form of wudu. If you break the form, then perform wudu again and start from the beginning.
  • Always sit facing towards Qibla.
  • Women have to avoid during the time of periods.
  • Your intentions should be pure and not harm anyone.
  • Always wear neat and clean clothes.

The Dua to bring someone closer to you is the key to increasing the love in your love partner’s heart.

Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You:

Process to perform Dua for someone to come back to you in Islam.

  1. → Firstly, make a fresh wudu.
  2. → Read Durood Ibrahim three times in the start and end of dua.
  3. → Recite verse number 85-86 of Surah Younus 111 times.
  4. → In the end, raise your hands and (Dua) pray to Allah to to make that person come back to you.
Dua For Someone To Come Back To You
Steps to perform Dua For Someone To Come Back To You

The Dua for Someone to Come Back to You will help you ask Allah to resolve all misunderstandings between you and restore love. You can also read this dua to get your best friend back.

You have to perform this Dua for 21 days, and Insha Allah, you will be successful. A person can read Dua to create love in someone’s heart if they want to make anyone respect them.

Effective Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life:

Love is a pure emotion that can bring you a huge amount of happiness as well as pain. If you are going through emotional pain and want to get your lover back in your life, then this dua to get love back in your life will help you.

The “dua to get someone back in your life” will help you ask Allah for guidance in getting a particular person back to you.

I know you might think this method will help me, but trust me, more than enough people have gotten their loved ones back into their lives with the help of these five steps.

Here is 5 Simple Steps To Perform The Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life-

  1. You have to perform this dua after every salah (prayer)

    Make sure to stay in the form of ablution.

  2.  Read Durood-E-Ibhrahimi

    Start your dua to get a person back by reciting Durood-E-Ibhrahimi three times in the start.

  3. Recite the following verse from Quran [Al-Imran ayat 147] 111 times

    “Wa maa kaana qawlahum illaa an qaaloo Rabbanagh fir lanaa zunoobanaa wa israafanaa feee amrinaa wa sabbit aqdaamanaa wansurnaa ‘alal qawmil kaafireen.”

  4. Repeat Durood-E-Ibhrahimi

    Again you have to recite Durood-E-Ibhrahimi three times.

  5. Pray To Allah

    In the end, raise your hands and pray to Almighty Allah SWT to bring that person back in your life.

Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life
Process to perform dua to get someone back into your life.

You can perform any of these two methods and get similar results. All you have to do is trust the process and have faith in Allah’s timing.

Everything will be perfect, Insha Allah. If you have any questions, then comment below. We will answer all of your questions.

If you are looking to get back with your husband after sapration then recite Dua To Get Husband Back After Divorce.

Powerful Dua to Make Someone Come Back to You:

The dua to make someone come back to you is a way to request Allah SWT to get a specific person back into your life.

Although it might seem impossible to some readers, those who trust Allah will never go empty-handed when they pray.

So here I am giving you a powerful dua for someone to come back to you. It is a step-by-step process, so first read it carefully and then perform it with faith in the Almighty.

Step no.How to-do
1.Perform wudu (ablution) and sit on your prayer mat facing qibla.
2.Read Durood Sharif three times.
3.Recite “Ya Wadud, Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem” 1000 times.
4.Read Surah Al-‘Imran (3:31) 100 times.
5.Again read Durood Sharif three times.
6.Make a “Dua for someone to come back to you” from Allah SWT.
Step-by-step method to perform Dua to Make Someone Come Back to You in Islam.
Dua For Someone to Come Back to You
Process to perform Dua to Make Someone Come Back to You.

If you believe someone can put nazar on your relationship, then perform ruqyah for evil eyes; it will protect you and your relationship.

Islamic Dua to bring someone back:

Are you in need of a powerful Islamic dua to bring someone back into your life? You’re not alone. This community is here for you, and all the duas for love here are specially crafted to help those going through heartbreak. The best way to heal a broken heart is to get back with your love.

Read Dua to get love back if you want to bring your ex-lover into your life.

The dua to bring someone back into your life is about more than just reuniting with your partner.

It’s a way to solve misunderstandings or the reason for fighting and finding peace and happiness with each other. The journey together will take you to a bright future with faith in Allah SWT.

Here is the step-by-step guide to performing most powerful dua to bring your love back into your life-

  • Fist of all you have to clean your self (wudu).
  • Recite Surah Ikhlas three times.
  • After that recite “Allahumma alif bayna qulubina wa aslih dhata baynina wahdina subul as-salam” 101 times.
  • End your dua by praying to Allah SWT for bringing your lover back in your life.

Powerful Wazifa to get someone back in your life:

Wazifa is a form of prayer you do when you want to ask for help from your creator. The wazifa to get someone back in your life is simple to perform. You need to read the instructions carefully, and then you can gain the results of your choice.

Step no.Explanation
1.Perform Wudu.
2.Recite Durood Sharif five times.
3.Read Surah Taha three times.
4.Again, recite Durood Sharif five times and blow on some sweets.
5.he last step of Wazifa give this sweet to the person for whom you have performed the wazifa for love.
Step-by-step guide to perform Wazifa to get someone back

Perform this wazifa three times and give the sweets three times to eat; they will come back to you in a few days.

If a person is facing issues in getting married to the person of their choice, they can read the Islamic Dua for love marriage.

Niyyah Dua for someone to come back to you:

Losing the person we love is hard, but trust me, if you have faith and the will to bring that person back into your life, you can easily do that with the help of dua for someone to come back to you.

“Ya Allah, reunite me with [person’s name] if it is best for us in this life and the hereafter. Place love and understanding between us, and guide us towards what is good.”

If you perform the niyyah with your true heart for one month, it is as good as Dua for someone to come back to you.

Quranic Dua To Get Someone You Love Back into Your life:

Dua to bring back lover into your life and heal broken relationships
Process to perform Dua to bring back lover into your life and heal broken relationships.
Step no.Explanation of How To Do The Step
1.Perform wudu and stay in the form of ablution.
2.Recite Durood Shareef three times in the start.
3.Put an image of your lover in front of you and recite Ya Wadudu 1001 times.
4.Again, recite Durood Shareef three times.
5.Now blow on the photo of your lover and ask Allah SWT to make that person to love you back.
Step-by-step guide to perform Dua To Get Someone You Love Back into your life.

Perform this Islamic Dua to bring someone back for 21 days and your lover will come back in your life. Make sure to keep your intentions pure and your motive should be to marry that person.

If you want to move on from your relationship then read Dua To Forget Someone You Love.

Benefits of Dua for someone to come back to you:

There are many benefits for a person who recite Dua to get someone back in your life but here are 3 major benefits of reading the dua.


Love Back

The Dua can help you get your love back. It is a prayer to ask Allah SWT for help so its a 100% halal method. A wife can perform this dua to increase love in her husband’s heart.


Remove Misunderstanding

Sometimes little misunderstandings can cause a big issue in a relationship but the dua will help you solve that.


Gain Respect

The prayers (Dua) on this page can also help you gain respect from your partner. As we all know love and respect are equally important in a Relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do you make a dua for someone you really want to come back into your life?

If you want someone in your life then there is a dua which can help you. All you have to do is follow the process and put your trust in Allah.
First of all remember to perform obligatory prayers. Make a fresh Ablution then read Durood Ebrahimi seven times, after that recite “Ya Wadudu” 1000 times and again read Durood Ebrahimi seven times.
In the end raise your hands in the foam of making a dua and ask Allah SWT to bring that person in your life.

Can you make dua for someone to come back into your life?

Yes, you can make a dua for someone to come back into your life. Dua is a way to pray to Allah SWT for something you really want, and there is nothing wrong with asking Allah for it. If you do a wazifa or dua with complete faith in the Almighty, you will get favorable results within a few days.

Is there any Islamic dua Or prayer to get your love back?

Yes there are many Islamic prayer to bring your lovers back in your life. Make a fresh wudu and recite Surah Ikhlas seven times after every Salaah for 41 days and in the end ask Allah to bring your love back.
Always keep one thing in your mind that intentions is the most important thing.

How can I use Dua to get someone back in Islam?

If you are looking to use dua to get someone back in your life, then make a fresh wudu and recite the dua given in this article. Insha Allah, within a month, you will be back with that person.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a way to reunite with an important person in your life, the best way is to pray to Allah SWT by reading dua for someone to come back to you, as we have given above.

When you recite dua to get someone back, as mentioned in this article, you ask Allah to help soften that person’s heart.

You must remain patient and trust in Allah’s plan and timing. Also, if you perform any dua from this article, it is important to have pure intentions. Keep praying for His guidance, and He will open the doors of goodness in your life.

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Muhammad Bilal is a renowned Islamic Scholar who has dedicated his life to helping Muslim brothers and sisters around the globe with the help of the Quran.

3 thoughts on “Powerful Dua to Get Someone Back in Your Life”

  1. Shukran Bilal bhai, just because of you, I was able to get back my girlfriend. We are about to tell our parents and Insha Allah; we will soon get married.

  2. Wow, this article is so helpful! I love how easy it is to understand the dua for bringing someone back. It makes me feel hopeful and closer to Allah. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and useful prayer!


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