Are you facing problems in your love life and want to get your lover back with the help of a powerful Islamic prayer? Then you are at the right place because today we will discuss Dua For Love Back. This method is a way to solve all your love-related problems.
Love is a feeling that is hard to explain in words. It has the power to make our lives full of happiness.
However, relationships can sometimes face challenges and difficulties, leading to heartbreak and separation. Read Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You if you want to make a person love you back.
If you are going through a tough time in your relationship and want to know how to get your love back, the Dua for love back can offer hope and help you in your search for a miraculous love reunion.
We Muslims believe that dua is a powerful way to bring positive changes in one’s life, including the restoration of love and relationships.
Read Dua To Create Love In Someone Heart if you want the person to feel your love for them.
Powerful Dua for Love Back From Quran
The dua for love back is a verse from the Quran. When you recite these Ayats with the intention of getting your love back, you are praying to Allah SWT to return your beloved person to your life.
Step no. | Explanation |
1. | Clean yourself by performing wudu. |
2. | Recite Durood Sharif three times. |
3. | Read the following Verse: “Allahumma alif bayna qulubina wa aslih dhaata baynina” 500 times. Translation: “O Allah, bring our hearts together and reconcile between us.” |
4. | After completing the verse, recite Durood Shareef 3 times. |
5. | Pray sincerely to Allah SWT, asking for your love back. |

Perform the dua for lost love back for seven days and you will get back your beloved within 11 days.
For a deeper connection and to rekindle love, explore this powerful dua to bring someone closer to you. It will help strengthen your bond.
Powerful Dua to Get Your Love Back
Have you closed the door on the person you loved? It can be very painful when you truly love someone and dream of spending your entire life with them, but your relationship breaks up for some reason.
In such a situation, you can recite a simple yet powerful dua to bring love back into your life. This Quranic prayer is straightforward and is read by many to ask the Almighty to reunite them with their beloved.
Steps to Recite Dua for Getting Your Love Back
Step no. | How to perform dua for love back |
First step: | Make a fresh wudu and sit on your prayer mat. |
Second step: | Recite Durood Sharif three times. |
Third step: | Read Surah Al-Anbiya, verse 87, 101 times, and say, “Ya Allah, unite our hearts with love and understanding, and guide us back to each other with peace and mercy. Grant us the ability to rebuild our relationship based on Your blessings.” |
Forth step: | Again recite Durood Sharif three times. |
Fifth Step: | End your prayer by making dua for your love back from Allah SWT. |

You should recite this dua to get the person you love Back for one week and Insha Allah you will get that person back. This is the best dua to get your love back into your life.
The wazifa for love back can get your beloved person back within a month.
Trust Allah’s wisdom and plan for you, and remember, there is always hope to get back the person you love.
If you’re looking for Islamic ways to strengthen your relationship, check out our complete Dua for Husband Love guide to Increase respect and bring unity to your marriage.
Powerful Dua to Bring Your Lost Love Back
If you are looking for an Islamic way to bring your lost love back into your life, this dua is for you.
Love back may seem a hard process to you because if you are reading this article, it means you have tried everything else. Trust me, when you turn to Allah SWT for help, it’s the start of your recovery from your problems.
One of the best ways to ask the Almighty for love is to pray dua to bring your lost love back. Below is the five-step process for performing this Quranic method.
- Make a fresh wudu.
- Recite Durood Sharif with Ayatul Kursi.
- Read Surah Taha three times.
- Recite Surah Ikhlas three times.
- Again recite Durood Sharif with Ayatul Kursi.
- In the last step of dua to bring lost love back, say, “Ya Allah, the Most Merciful, I ask You to soften the heart of [person’s name] and fill it with love for me. Remove all barriers between us and bring us back together in harmony and peace. Ya Allah, grant us a relationship filled with Your blessings and protection. Ameen.”
Effective Dua for Him to Love Me Back
- Perform Wudu and sit in a room where no one will disturb you.
- Recite Surah An-Nisa three times.
- Recite Ya Wadudu 100 times.
- Pray to Allah SWT to return your lover to you and bless you to marry him and live a happy life together.
Powerful Surah For Love Back in Just 3 Days
When it comes to matters of the heart, the power of dua can be truly transformative. When you make a dua, you connect with Allah SWT and ask for help healing your relationship and bringing love back into your life.
Dua is a medium of communication between you and the higher power, helping you to express your wishes and intentions.
To perform Dua of Surah for love back, you must make a fresh ablution and sit on your prayer mat. After that, recite surah al Jumu-ah (chapter 62) on Friday and ask Allah SWT to help you get your love back.

You can read Dua to get someone back, if you want to get your lover back into your life.
If you want to regain your love, read the “Dua to bring your lost love back” with sincerity, faith, and a pure heart. Remember, miracles can happen, and love can be restored with the help of Dua for Love Back.
Islamic Dua For Miracle in Love Back
If you want to Win Back Your Love with Islamic Dua then follow this Step by step method to perform Dua for love back:
Find a quiet and peaceful place:
where you can concentrate without any distractions. This could be your prayer room, a calm corner of your home, or any place you feel comfortable.
Begin by performing ablution:
wudu is compulsory, as cleanliness is important to connect with the divine.
Recite Durood Sharif three times:
You have to again, recite Durood Sharif three times after completing step number 4.
Recite the following verse from the Quran for love back:
“Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhuriyyatina qurrata a’yunin waj’alna lil-muttaqina imama” (Surah Al-Furqan, 74).
After reciting the verse, close your eyes:
visualize your desired outcome. Imagine your relationship being healed and reuniting with your loved one.
With utmost sincerity and devotion, make your heartfelt Dua for Love Back:
Speak to the divine and express your deepest desires, asking for the restoration of love and the return of your beloved.
Repeat this Dua to bring your love back daily:
Repeat preferably during the early morning or late evening when the atmosphere is calm and serene.
Recite Dua For Love Marriage if you want to marry the person you love.

If you want your partner back after separation, recite the Dua to Get Wife Back if you are a man and the Dua to Get Husband Back if you are a woman.
Islamic Ways to Win Back Your Love with Dua
It is common to face problems in a relationship because two people are trying to live together. If you’ve recently faced a setback in your love life and seek guidance on reigniting love, the Islamic dua for love back can offer hope.
Here are steps you can follow to perform a powerful dua for the miracle of love back:
- Begin by finding a quiet and peaceful place where you can concentrate without any distractions.
- Perform ablution (wudu) to cleanse yourself and prepare for the spiritual practice.
- Recite the following Dua For Miracle in Love Back with sincerity and devotion: “Ya Allah, please bring love back into my life. Guide me towards reconciliation and help me mend the broken bonds. Grant me the wisdom and strength to rebuild the love that has been lost.”
- Repeat this dua as many times as you feel necessary, focusing on your intentions and visualizing a positive outcome.
- After completing the dua, offer a heartfelt prayer to Allah, expressing your gratitude and trust in His divine plan.
Perform the “dua for love back” for 21 days and insha Allah your love will find its way back into your life.
Dua is a way to connect with Allah SWT, and it is very important in a Muslim’s life. If you pray with your heart, you can ask for Allah’s blessing and help. The dua can easily help you bring your love back into your life.
If you want to convince your parents to agree to your marriage, recite the Dua for Convincing Parents for Love Marriage.
FAQs About Love Back
Which powerful dua is to get love back?
The “Ya Wadudu” Dua is so powerful to get your love back. To perform this dua, read Ya Wadudu 1001 times after fajr salah and pray to Allah SWT to bring your love back into your life.
Will Allah bring him back to me?
If you want Allah to help bring a person back into your life, you should read Surah Ikhlas 24 times after Isha prayer and then make a dua to Allah SWT to bring him back to you.
Is there a dua in Islam to win back someone’s love?
If you want to win back someone’s love in Islam, then perform wudu and recite Durood Sharif three times. Then, read Surah Al-Furqan Ayat 74 500 times. Again, recite Durood Sharif three times and pray to Allah for help in getting someone’s love back.
Additional Tips
- Communication is the key to any relationship’s growth, so when you get back to that person, communicate positively and lovingly.
- You must forgive yourself and the person you love because forgiveness is a blessing. If you learn the art of forgiveness, you can live happily.
- Patience is key. Remember that Allah’s timing is perfect, and your prayers may be answered in ways you least expect. Have faith that Allah hears your Dua for Love Back and trust that the best outcome will unfold.
- Along with dua, make efforts to boost your relationship. Think about areas that need work, get better at talking to each other, and show your partner love and kindness.
- Ask for help from a trusted religious expert or counselor who can offer advice and support during this difficult time.
- Keep a cheerful attitude and stick close to positive things. Do stuff that makes you happy and at peace, and avoid bad influences that might slow you down.
Never forget that praying for love can give you huge benefits in terms of getting your love back.
All you have to do is trust in Allah, believe in your prayer for love back, and wait for the results. When you are genuine and wait for Allah SWT, you can easily get your love back.
Final Words:
In conclusion, no matter what hardship is going on in your love life, if you turn to Almighty Allah for help, you will get your prayers answered. The dua for love back is an effective way to ask the Almighty to restore the love in your life.
In this article, multiple Islamic ways to regain lost love were discussed. You can pray any one of the dua to bring your lost love back from this article and get the desired results.
Dua for love back is a halal way to pray for love. We strictly oppose black magic, so many people have used all the methods on this page to get back with the person they loved.
No matter the reason for your separation, if your love and intentions are true and pure, Allah SWT will help you reunite with your beloved person. If you still have questions, comment below or consult Bilal Ji on WhatsApp for more guidance.
Alhamdulillah, after following the guidance from your Dua for Love Back article, I experienced a miracle. With patience and faith, my love returned to me, and our relationship is stronger than ever. I’m truly grateful for this helpful resource. May Allah bless you for sharing such powerful duas!
Hi mubina I’m kulsom I’m also going through the same can you please tell me how many days it took for you to get back ur lover and please sister pray for me that I get that guy back his love and everything and he contact me please sister make dua for us to reunite again by grace of allah
Yes, sister, I will surely make dua for you, and insha Allah, you will again get your love back. When I was performing the dua, I had some doubts, so I contacted Bilal Ji through WhatsApp, and he helped me. You can also ask him. To be honest, I was not sure if someone could even help me in this matter, but I can share my experience, and it’s totally worth talking to him. You can give it a try, and maybe he can also help you.