As slam Alaikum, If you are looking for a Quranic Dua to make someone fall in love with you, then you are at the right place. In this article, you will get all Surah, Wazifa and Dua to make someone fall in love with you.
Please read the complete article to learn about performing the dua and its precautions. Sometimes, people just read the dua but don’t follow all the rules and waste their efforts.
There are many pages on the Internet about this topic, but they need to provide more relevant information. On this page, you will find the best Islamic prayers you can perform to make anyone fall in love with you and your personality.
The Dua To Create Love In Someone Heart is a method to increase love and respect in a person’s heart. Sometimes in arrange marriages husband might not feel the same way as the wife or vice versa. In such situations the wife can read the following dua to make her husband fall in love with her.
Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You:
If you want to ask Allah to make someone love you, then Below is a list of steps to perform Dua to make someone fall in love with you-
- You need to perform this dua after Isha’s Prayer.
- Start by reading Surah Rahman.
- After that, recite Surah An-Nisa.
- Then, imagine the face of that person whom you want to fall in love with you.
- In the last step, make dua to Allah for making that person love you.

You have to perform this Islamic dua for 21 days, and you will see that person will approach you. Within a few days, you will feel that person is showing signs of admiration for you. Read Dua to get someone back in your life if you want someone to come back.
Dua To Make Someone Love You and Marry You:
The following dua is an Islamic way to make a person love you and marry you. We know it might sound gimmicky, but when you put your decisions in the hands of Allah, nothing is impossible.
If you want to make someone love you and marry you, then this dua is for you. Below, we have given a step-by-step process for performing the dua to make someone fall in love with you.

If you want to pray to Allah for someone to love you then Here are five steps to complete Dua For Making Someone Fall In Love With You and Marry You –
First, make a fresh ablution and wear clean clothes.
Recite Durood Ibrahim to start the dua to make him fall in love.
Next, you have to read (Surah An-Nahl, verse no. 18) 101 times.
After that, again recite Durood Ibrahim.
In the last step, ask Allah to make him fall in love with you.
We all know that if Allah wants to give us something, then no one can stop us from getting that. If we ask Allah for something and if he thinks it’s good for us, then we will surely have that.
The Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You is an Islamic method that is so powerful that it can help you convert someone’s hate into love for you. Perform this method for 21 days, and you will see amazing results.
If you love someone with the intention of marrying that person, then it is not haram. This particular dua will open all doors for you to marry the person you love.
Powerful Dua To Get Someone You Love in Quran:
Below is a list of steps to perform Dua To Get Someone You Love-
- You have to perform this dua after the fajr prayer.
- Start by reading Salatul Hajat 3 times.
- After that, recite Ya Wadodoo 1100 times.
- Then, blow (dum) on a glass of water and make a dua to get someone you love to Allah.
- In the last step, give this water to that person whom you want to love you.

You must perform this “Dua For Someone To Love You” for one month, and you will see that the person falls in love with you. Also, you only have to give the water once. If you still have doubts, please comment below.
You can read Salatul Hajat from our website.
Most Powerful Dua To Make Someone Love You Back:
It is a step-by-step process to perform Dua to make someone love you. It will help you make that person fall in love. You have to perform this wazifa for 11 days, and Insha Allah, you will be successful to make anyone love and respect you.

If you want to make dua for someone you love who loves someone else, then you can perform the following four steps, and insha Allah, you will receive love from them.
Firstly, make a fresh wudu and sit on your prayer prayer rug.
Recite Durood Ibrahim three times in the start and end of the dua.
Read verse no. 21 of Surah Ar-Rum 21 times to make someone to love you back.
Pray to Allah
In the last step, raise your hands and pray to Allah to make that person love you.
Read Dua For Love Marriage, to solve marriage related problems.
Some Important Rules To Remember Before Starting Dua In Islam To Win Back Someone’s Love:
- The first and most important thing is your intentions. If you want to perform this dua, you should have pure intentions to marry that person; otherwise, it won’t work.
- You should have complete faith and trust in the almighty Allah subhanu wa tallah.
- It’s important to give Sadaqa after performing the Wazifa.
- You have to stay in the form of Wudu (Ablution) during the Dua.
- Always wear neat and clean clothes while performing the dua.
- You have to perform all five compulsory prayers.
- Every dua on our website Dua ilm, is halal and taken from hadith and Quran Kareem.
In this article, there are many Duas to make someone fall in love with you, but you can choose the best dua you feel is suitable. You need to remember that Dua is a medium to ask Allah SWT to fulfil your wish. Allah knows what’s best for us; always keep this in mind.
Also, you can read Dua to forget someone you love if you have decided to move on from a person but the memories are too strong and you are in a constant phase to emotional pain.
How to Perform Wazifa To Make Someone Fall In Love With You?
The wazifa for love is easy to perform, but before starting the wazifa, you will need two pieces of white paper and a vial of perfume.

Below is a list of proper step-by-step methods for performing wazifa to make someone crazy in love with you–
- First, make fresh wudu, wear clean clothes, and put some perfume on your clothes.
- Then, write your and your partner’s name on that paper.
- After that, recite Ayatul Kursi three times.
- Then, recite Surah Al-Baqarah three times.
- Imagine your lover and dum (blow) on that white paper in the last step.
You have to keep this paper with you. Remember, no one should see or touch the paper except you. Perform this method for one month on the same paper.
Dua To Make Him Fall In Love With Me and Have Eyes on Me:
Do you want your man to love you and always have eyes on you? The following method is effective for a wife to impress her husband and make him love her.
The most powerful dua for love is none other than ya wadudu (the most loving). It is a name of our Allah SWT.
Performing this dua for love is easy. You can ask Allah to give you the person you love; all you have to do is recite Ya Wadudu 99 times after every salah (compulsory prayer), and in the end, you have to ask Allah Tallah to make that person fall in love.
Always remember that the motive of these prayers is to get married to the person you love, so we hope you will not perform these Dua To Make Someone Love You with any wrong intentions.
Quranic Dua to Make Someone Love You Madly:
If you want a person only to love you, then the Dua to make someone love you madly is your key to asking Allah SWT.
To perform this dua, you need to make a fresh wudu and recite Surah Ikhlas 21 times and then pray to Almighty and say this niyyah, “Ya Allah, place love and affection in the heart of [person’s name] for me, as You placed love in the hearts of Your righteous servants.”
Perform this “Dua to make someone fall in love with you continuously” for 21 days, and that person will become restless and always want to stay near you and talk to you.
If you face any difficulty, then you can take personal assistance from Bilal Khan ji like thousands of other fellow Muslim brothers and sisters.
Benefits of Reading Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love
1. You can read this dua to increase love between you and your partner. This dua will keep your husband-wife relationship healthy.
3. If your partner is not talking to you then this dua can help you to make him miss you.
2. This dua can help you gain respect in your family or at your work place.
4. Dua to make someone fall in love can also help you to remove misunderstandings between you and your loved ones.
Drawbacks of using another Method than Islamic Duas for Love
1. If you don’t have proper knowledge of Islam, then maybe you will use some sihr or black magic spell.
3. You may go against the will of Allah SWT, and that is never good for anyone.
2. You will never get the desired results by using another method other than praying to the Almighty.
4. Your relationship with that person will be ruined forever, and you will never get another chance to heal it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you pray to Allah for someone to love you?
Yes, you can pray to Allah SWT for someone to love you; for that, you have to recite durood sharif and Surah Al-Furqan ayat 74 1100 times and again recite Durood sharif; in the end, make a dua to Allah for that person to love you.
Is it wrong to make dua for someone to love you back?
When you make a dua for someone to love you, it’s essential to remember:
1. Respecting Their Free Will
2. Pure Intentions
3. Accepting Allah’s Will
4. Practical Efforts
In summary, making a Dua for someone to love you can be acceptable if your intentions are sincere, but it’s important to do so with respect for their free will and an understanding that the outcome is in Allah’s control. Additionally, remember that love should be mutual and should bring happiness and peace to both individuals involved.How do you pray to Allah to get someone you love?
If you want to get the person you love in your life as your life partner then you can follow this process. First to all make a fresh ablution and read durood sharif three times, after that read ya wadudu 1001 times and again recite three times.
After performing this method raise your hands and pray to Allah SWT to get that person you love in your life.
All the “duas to make someone love you” on this page are an effective Islamic remedy to get someone’s love. Remember each and every prayer is a way to ask Allah SWT for your love so these methods are 100% halal. All you need to do is choose a prayer from above and recite it with proper method given above and Insha Allah within a few days you will feel the change in that person’s behaviour towards you.
If you have any confusion about ‘dua to make someone fall in love with you’ then you can ask us on WhatsApp or by commenting below we will solve your query as soon as possible.
I have contacted so many maulanas and scholars on the internet to make a person fall in love with me, but all the people looted me without help. When I contacted Bilal ji, I was hopeless, but I swear to Allah he was the only person who helped, and today, I am happily married to my husband. Shukran Bilal bhai, thank you for everything you did for me.
Assalamu Alaikum sister. When you contacted the other maulanas, they asked for you payment for the advice?
WalaikumSalam Sister, Yes, you won’t believe me. I had paid 22000£ to other people, and I was totally broke before consulting Bilal Ji.
ASSALAMU ALAIKUM WARAHMATULAHI WABARAKATHU. Sister which dua did you recite to solve the issues with your husband?
My heart was broken when I first talked to Brother Bilal, and I didn’t see a way to move on in my life. He guided me with a Dua, and at first, I didn’t believe him. I asked him to perform it for me, but he insisted I perform it myself. I couldn’t believe it when I got a call from my ex for a patch-up, and finally, she came back into my life. I owe my life to this man. Thanks, brother.
I knew you could do it yourself. You didn’t need my help, brother. Jazakallah
Assalamuliakum Suharab can you please tell me the dua
Brother you can talk to Bilal ji he will guide you like he guided me and its been months and I didn’t faced any problem.
My husband and I have been married for over 10 years. We met when I was 18 and he was 21. We’ve been through a lot emotionally together. There were several huge fights and painful situations in our marriage, but we always seemed to come out stronger on the other side. Out of the blue my husband just sprung the divorce talk on me, and he end up communicating with me over two months I was totally depressed until I found Mr. Bilal Khan number online and i seek for a Love dua. You won’t believe my husband called me at the exact time Bilal ji finished his spell work in 24hours, I was totally amazed! He is wonderful and his methods work so fast.
Alhamdulillah! I started reciting the Dua to make someone fall in love with me, and I’ve noticed a beautiful change in our connection. It feels like our hearts are coming closer together. Truly a powerful prayer!
Which dua did you perform? When should I perform the dua? Please let me know!🙏✨
Sister, I was also confused, so I consulted with Brother Bilal. He is a good person; he guided me through the process. You can also contact him.
I have contacted him Through whatsapp and its been 2 weeks and I feel change in my situation.
MashaAllah, I can’t express how grateful I am for finding this Dua! After following the advice on this page, I noticed a positive change in the relationship with the person I care about. The love and bond between us have grown stronger, and I truly believe this Dua has brought blessings into my life. Thank you for sharing such powerful prayers!
Alhamdulillah! I can’t believe how powerful the Dua To Make Someone Love You is! I’ve been reading it with a sincere heart, and now the person I care about loves me too! It really works if you ask with faith and patience. Allah listens to all our prayers! 🙏💖