Powerful Dua To Stop Bad Habits and Addiction

I recently got an email from a brother who was looking for advice on how to give up bad habits and addictions. He was struggling with addiction, bad habits, and risky behavior. I wanted to share a Powerful Dua To Stop Bad Habits and Addiction. I’ve seen many people dealing with addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography, and other negative behaviors.

There is hope if you want to make a change. The Quran offers solutions for everything that can bring you closer to the almighty. You just have to sincerely make a dua from your heart. Allah will listen to everything. In the fifth chapter of the Quran, Allah mentions the prohibition of alcohol, intoxicants, and gambling, stating that

Satan ( Shaitaan ) wants to create hatred and enmity among you through alcohol, intoxicants, and gambling and to prevent you from remembering Allah and praying”

(Quran 5:91)

Why Make Dua To Stop Bad Habits and Addiction?

Bad habits and addictions, whether they are physical or spiritual, can be harmful to us and our relationship with Allah. When a person starts to realize that they may be stuck in such bad habits and addiction and they have become a sinner in the eyes of Allah SWT, they may feel inadequate and as if their life has been ruined. But by following this powerful dua to stop bad habits, no evil power can spoil us.

Whenever you are in trouble and want to fulfill any of your wish then you can read Dua To Get What You Want.

Important Duas To Stop Bad Habits and Addiction

1. Dua to Overcome Bad Addictions

This Dua to Overcome Bad Addictions is a simple prayer asking for help from Allah to overcome weaknesses and addictions. It protects us from harmful habits and helps strengthen our character. If you feel its hard to leave bad habits then Dua for help can be useful for you.

Dua To Overcome Bad Addictions is :

Rabbana atina milla dunka rahmatan wahayyi’ laana min am rina rashada.

This dua is taken from Surah Al kahf 18:10

Dua To Overcome Bad Addictions

Translation of Dua to Overcome Bad Addictions in English :

“O Allah, protect me from negative behavior, harmful deeds, wrongful desires, and sicknesses.”( Quran 18:10 )

2. Dua To Get Rid of Bad Habits

It can be challenging to get rid of bad habits and addictions, but with faith, patience, and belief, you can beat bad habits by performing the Dua to Get Rid of Bad Habits.

Dua to Get Rid of Bad Habits is :  

‘Allaah umma in nee as’alukal-hu daa was-sadaa da’

This dua is taken from Jami At Tirmidhi Book No 48

Dua To Get Rid of Bad Habits

Translation of Dua to Get Rid of Bad Habits in English :

“O Allah, Please guide me to the right path and help me stay on the straight and narrow.”( Jami` at-Tirmidhi )

3. Dua For Forgiveness and Strength

Many of us struggle with harmful habits and addictions that can make us feel disconnected from our faith. Seeking forgiveness allows us to break free from guilt and start a new life with a clean slate.

We find the grace of Allah and the inner strength to transform ourselves through seeking forgiveness. To Ask For Forgiveness we need to do Dua For Forgiveness and Strength.

Dua For Forgiveness and Strength is :

Rabbanaa zalam naaa anfu sanaa wa illam tagh fir lanaa wa tarhamnaa lana koonanna minal khaasi reen

This dua is taken from Quran 7:23

Dua For Forgiveness and Strength

Translation of Dua For Forgiveness and Strength in English :

“Our Lord! We have made mistakes and need Your forgiveness and mercy to find our way back. Without Your help, we are truly lost.” – ( Quran 7:23 )

How To Perform this Powerful Dua To Stop Bad Habits and Addiction ?

Powerful Dua To Stop Bad Habits and Addiction

Learn the simple steps to perform a Dua to Stop Bad Habits and Addiction in a halal way with complete guidance.

  1. Perform Ablution

    Make sure to be in a state of wudu when reciting a dua, and ensure that your clothes and body are clean and pure.

  2. Recite Darood Sharif

    Begin your prayers by reciting Darood Sharif eleven times.

  3. Read this dua to stop bad habits 201 times

    Now recite the dua given above after every salah (prayer), especially Fajr and Isha.

  4. Conclude with Darood Sharif

    Complete the dua by reciting Durood Sharif eleven times at the end.

  5. Make a Dua

    In the end, make a heartfelt dua in your own language and words, asking Allah SWT to forgive your mistakes and help you stop your bad habits.

Perform this halal method for eleven days. Inshallah, you will surely get rid of bad habits and addiction of something. If you want to get peace and calmness in your life then you can read Dua For Peace of Mind.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Which Surah is best to stop bad habits and addiction?

    Surah Al Maida will lead you to those who are dedicated to pleasing Allah, instead of getting involved in bad activities and addiction that displease him.

  2. Can you make this dua for another person?

    Yes, if you have a family member or friend struggling with addiction and bad habits, you can make this dua to pray for them.

  3. What is the best time to perform Dua To Stop Bad Habits?

    Recite this dua after Isha and Fajr salah 201 times and pray to Allah for help.

Conclusion of Dua To Stop Bad Habits

Getting rid of bad habits and addictions is a challenging journey that requires both spiritual and practical effort. Performing this Dua To Stop Bad Habits and Addiction can positively change your life and help you stop harmful habits from destroying your life.

Muhammad Bilal is a renowned Islamic Scholar who has dedicated his life to helping Muslim brothers and sisters around the globe with the help of the Quran.

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