Asslamalaikum to all my brothers and sisters. Do you want to ask Allah for something impossible? The dua to get what you want is a way to ask Allah for anything you desire in your life.
In this article, we will share some powerful Islamic method for asking the Almighty to fulfill our wishes. Please read the article carefully to understand all the important points.
As Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, dua is a weapon of the believer, so whenever you are in trouble and want to find the right way out, you can always ask Allah SWT to guide you. If you are going through rough times in your life, then read Dua for Help in Times of Distress.
Here are some important tips to consider if you want to get success in the dua for asking something from Allah:
- Perform the dua with good intentions when you ask something from Allah SWT.
- You have to live a righteous life if you want favours from the almighty.
- Being patient is important if you want to get something in life.
- Trust Allah’s plan and timing.
- You need to work towards your goals, and Allah will bless you with your efforts.
What is Dua To Get What You Want and How can Islamic Dua Help You?
The dua to get what you want from Allah is “Hasbi-allahu la ilaha illa Huwa ‘alaihi tawakkaltu wa Huwa Rab-bul ‘arshil ‘azeem” (At Tawbah 9:129)
Meaning: Sufficient for me is Allah ; there is no deity except Him. On Him I have relied, and He is the Lord of the Great Throne.
Are you looking for an Islamic method to help you fulfill your wish? The following Dua to get what you want is your answer to ask anything from Allah SWT –
Method to Perform “Dua to Get What You Want” is here
- Make a wudu and sit in a silent room.
- Recite Durood Sharif three times.
- Chant the dua to get what you want (given above) 111 times.
- Again, recite Durood Sharif three times.

While performing the dua, you must keep imagining your wish and, in the end, ask Allah to fulfill it. Also, if you want to know about more duas then you can read them on our website dua for love.
Powerful Dua to Get Anything You Want
Everyone has some desires, but sometimes, we give up because we don’t know how to achieve them. The dua to fulfill your desires will help you ask Allah SWT for favors.
If you need assistance securing your visa, check out the Dua For Visa Approval guide for effective prayers and spiritual support.
When Allah is on your side, you don’t have to worry about anything; all you have to do is pray to him sincerely and with pure intent.
Read Dua to make someone love you, and ask Allah to create love in a person’s heart.

If you want to ask anything from Allah then here is a step-by-step guide on how to perform Islamic Dua to Get Anything You Want with sincerity and Halal practice:
Clean Yourself (Do Wudu)
You need to be clean before you make any dua. Do wudu (ablution) to clean your body. Being clean plays a key role when you offer any prayer in Islam.
Begin with Thanks and Praise
Start your dua by praising Allah and showing how great He is. Say thanks for all the good things He gives. You can say:
“SubhanAllah Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar”
This means: (Allah is perfect, Thanks be to Allah, Allah is the Greatest.)Ask for Blessings for the Prophet (Durood Shareef)
It’s good to ask for blessings for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) before you ask for anything else. Say Durood Shareef:
“Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala aali Muhammadin kama sallayta ‘ala Ibraheema wa ‘ala aali Ibraheema innaka Hameedum-Majeed.”Ask with Humility and Sincerity
Raise your hands and Make Your Request to Allah SWT Here’s a prayer to help your dreams come true:
“Ya Allah, I’m asking You, because of Your endless kindness and knowledge, to give me [name what you want]. You’re the Most Giving, and You can make my wishes happen. If this will be good for me now and later, please make it easy for me, and give it to me with Your blessings.”Recite Quranic Duas for Fulfillment of Desires
“Rabbana aatina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil aakhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban naar.”
Translation: “Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire.”
(Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:201)End with Durood and Praise
After you’ve made your request again send good wishes to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and end your prayer by thanking Allah. You can say:
“Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin”Translation: (All praise is for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.)Pray Tahajjud (Optional but Very Important)
The best time to ask for your wishes is during the last part of the night called Tahajjud. Get up before Fajr and do this extra prayer then make Dua to Get Anything You Want. This is when Allah feels closest to His people.
Be Consistent
Keep praying , after each prayer, and stay patient as you wait for Allah to answer. You can also give to charity and do good things as ways to worship and bring blessings to your prayers.
By following these steps you can ask Allah SWT for anything that you want in life. Wait till he answer your prayers as he knows when and what is best for you.
An Wonderful Dua That Promises To Grant You Everything You Ask For –
Follow all the steps properly. With the help of our beloved Allah, there is no problem in this universe that can’t be solved.
Step no. | How to do |
1. | Perform the dua after fajr namaz (Salaah). |
2. | Recite Durood Sharif 11 times. |
3. | Read “Ya-Allaho” 786 times. |
4. | After that Read 70 times “Ayat-ul-Qursi.” |
5. | Again recite Durood Sharif 11 times. |
6. | Pray to Allah SWT to to grant you your wish. |

Remember to keep your wish in your heart while performing this method. Follow these steps for 21 days to get the best results, and always be grateful to the Almighty for granting you what you want.
Surah To Ask Something Impossible From Allah
If you want something in your life but don’t know how to ask Allah for it, you can read the following surah from Quran Pak.
Read Surah Al Nasr three times after Fajr prayer for seven days. Make sure to stay in the form of ablution while performing the dua to ask something from Allah SWT. Insha Allah, you will get the good news within seven days.
If you believe in Allah SWT, you don’t need to worry about anything. With proper knowledge of the Quran, you can easily solve any problem in your life.
Benefits of Reading Dua to Fulfill Your Desires
Here are a few benefits of reading the Dua To Get What You Want:
Benefit | Description |
Builds Up Faith and Trust in Allah | Your faith grows stronger when you pray to Allah for your desires. You place your confidence in Allah’s ability to fulfil your requirements. A prayer from the Quran serves as a reminder that Allah provides, and reaching out to Him can result in heavenly responses. |
Creates a Calm Mind | As you perform Dua to get what you want, you give all your tension to Allah SWT, and now you don’t have to worry about anything. This act works like a dua for peace of mind. You know you’ve honestly asked for His help. |
Pushes You to Be Patient and Grateful | Saying prayers helps you learn patience and gratitude. When Allah responds to your prayer immediately or down the road, you accept His timing and wisdom. You also remain thankful for the good things He gives you. |
Brings Unexpected Blessings | Asking Allah for your needs can lead to unexpected blessings. When we make dua to get anything we want, Allah gives us what we ask for and adds extra blessings. |
Has an Influence on Your Bond with Allah | When you often make dua, it deepens your link to Allah. It pushes you to talk with the Creator constantly, helping you build a close and rich relationship with Him. |
Asks for Help and Direction from Almighty | Dua is a powerful way to ask Allah for guidance and help in reaching a goal, fulfilling a wish, or solving a problem. It can bring support and answers from above that humans can’t match. |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the powerful dua to get what you want immediately?
If you want something very much and need it quickly, you can say a special dua to ask Allah for help. One powerful dua is to say, “La ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka, inni kuntu minaz-zalimeen.” This means, “There is no god but You, Glory be to You; truly, I have been among the wrongdoers.” Saying this with a sincere heart shows that you trust Allah to help you. Remember, asking Allah with love and faith can make anything possible, even fast!
What dua is for achieving what you wish?
The Dua for achieving what you wish is to read “Surah-al-Imran, Ayat (190-200)” after every Namaz, starting and ending with three times Darood Sharif and praying.
Which dua is for wishes?
The best dua for wises is as follows – Take a Gossel / Bath on Friday. Pray Fajr Namaz after. Read Tasbeeh Hazrat Fatima a.s. Read 100 times Surah Al-hamad Ayat (1-7) and 100 times Darood Sharif” and pray for your wishes.
Remember to refrain from talking with anyone while reading the dua and read in the same place every Friday.
Finally, it’s time to conclude our article. In this article, we have shared some ancient Islamic Methods for asking Allah for something. All these methods are tried and tested. The dua to get what you want is the best Islamic way to ask Allah SWT for something with the help of the Quran Sharif.
Also, there is nothing haram in performing any of the processes, as we are just reading the Quran to get what we want from our Lord.