Asalam Alaikum to all our readers hope you are well and good. You’ve come to the right place if you’re searching for accurate information about the Best dua to attract someone towards you.
Feeling strongly attracted to someone is natural, but it can be challenging if the other person doesn’t feel the same way. This can lead to one-sided feelings, causing pain and sadness.
Keeping your crush interested in you and making them attracted to you is essential. By Performing this dua to attract someone you can elevate your love life and make your crush attracted to you. Read Dua to create love in someone heart for making anyone fall in your love.
Many websites claim to offer the best dua to attract someone towards you. But they need to provide proper guidance on how to perform this powerful dua.
If you are looking for accurate information about dua for love and attraction, this is the right place.
Some guidelines For Dua For Attraction:
- Always Perform the dua with a good and clean bath.
- Before making a dua, reciting Surah Al-Bayyinah can bring more blessings.
- Pay close attention to the timing. Perform this dua consistently at the same time and in the same place.
- Additionally, maintaining regular five-time salah (prayers) is necessary for spiritual connection.
Read Dua to get married to the person you want if you want someone to love you and marry you.
Here Are Some Specific Duas For Love and Attraction:
When you have strong feelings for someone in your life and find it hard to be apart from them, it creates many emotional connections and expectations that rely on that person being present to be fulfilled. So here are some different types of dua for love and attraction.
If you want to marry someone you love, you can also read the Dua For Love Marriage to ask Allah for His blessings and support.
Dua to Attract Someone Towards You in 6 simple steps:
- Take a bath and put on clean clothes.
- As Tahajjud time approaches, find a quiet place to sit on your prayer mat.
- Begin by sincerely reciting Durood Sharif eleven times.
- Then recite the Surah Al-Imran (3:31) 500 times.
- Then again read Durood Sharif eleven times.
- Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) from your heart to attract your crush.

Performing this dua for eleven consecutive days can bring about remarkable changes in your life and help you to attract someone towards you. If you want any kind of assistance and help than you can contact on our WhatsApp numbers.
If you care deeply for someone, you can also read the Dua For Someone You Love to ask Allah for His blessings and help in making your bond stronger.
Amazing Dua For One Sided love:
If you are loving someone who does not return those feelings back to you. To attract the person you can recite this dua for getting their love and care-

If you want to perform dua to convert one sided love into reality then follow this process:
- Make a fresh wudu.
- Recite Durood Sharif three times.
- Then, recite the dua for unrequited love (given above) for 111 times.
- Again recite Durood Sharif three times.
- End your prayer by making Dua to make someone love you.
Dua To Attract Someone Who is already in relationship:
If you are Pining for someone who is not Single or available. You can read this dua for making them yours.
To perform dua for attraction recite durood sharif three times after that recite the dua given below in the image as much as you can and again recite durood sharif three times. In the end, pray to Allah SWT for love from that person.

Powerful Dua For Love and Attraction:
If you Desire to attract your ex after relationship has ended. Then you should do this dua to get your ex back in your life. You can also read Dua To Get Someone Back In Your Life if want to get your lover or husband back in your life.

Step no. | Explanation of How To Do The Step |
1. | Perform wudu to clean yourself. |
2. | Recite Durood Sharif 11 times. |
3. | Read the following verse: “Wa alqaytu ‘alayka mahabbatan minnee walitusna’a ‘ala ‘aynee” 500 times. |
4. | After completing the verse, again recite Durood Shareef 11 times. |
5. | Pray sincerely to Allah SWT for Love and Attraction. |
Perform the Dua for Love and Attraction for 11 days, and your partner will be more attracted to you, which will increase the love between you both.
The dua for love back can help you bring your ex partner back in your life. Read with complete faith in Allah SWT and with intention to marry them.
FAQ about Dua For Attraction:
Is there a specific dua to attract someone’s attention?
Yeah, quite a few duas people say to ask Allah for help in getting someone’s attention or creating feelings. One example is, “Wa alqaytu ‘alayka mahabbatan minni,” which means, “And I bestowed upon you love from Me.” (Surah Taha 20:39)
How should I perform the dua to attract someone?
Start by doing wudu (ablution), say the specific dua after any required prayer, and always ask Allah with good intentions.
Can I make dua for someone to fall in love with me?
In Islam, it’s key that your dua comes from a good place. You can ask Allah to create love and understanding, but remember to trust Allah’s wisdom for what’s best for you.
This article includes some simple and lawful duas and rituals aimed at increasing feelings of love and creating deeper connections. It starts with a dua for attracting someone towards you, highlighting the guidelines of reciting a particular dua to heighten awareness and influence thoughts.
The article outlines easy steps for performing the dua. It also discusses how a specific dua can help you in building strong relationships and mutual respect. If you have any questions about the dua for love and attraction, you can contact our respected Islamic scholar Muhammad Bilal Sahab.
After reading the dua for attraction for seven days, I was pleasantly surprised when my husband started giving me special attention. We’ve been married for 2 years, and yesterday, we went out for a date for the first time, despite our arranged marriage. It was a delightful surprise, and I encourage you to give it a try, too.
I want to make my husband love me can you guide me?