AsslamAlaikum, Loyalty is very important in a husband-wife relationship. If your husband has crossed the holy line of trust, you can recite the Dua For Cheating Husband. The dua on this page can help a wife save her husband from other women.
Marriage is a very meaningful step in any person’s life. Affair is a sin in Islam for both men and women, so always stay faithful to your partner.
Explore this Dua for husband love to deepen respect and trust in your marriage, resulting in a stronger and more faithful relationship.
Marriage is a precious gift to humans; no one should ruin it by cheating on their loved ones. You can also read dua to stop divorce if you want to save your marriage.
What Does Allah Says About Cheating Husbands?
And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.
(Verse 32 of Surah Al-Isra)
On this page, we will provide you with a few powerful Islamic methods that can help you prevent your husband from cheating and protect your married relationship from the evil eyes of others. For example, a woman can read Dua To Create Love In Someone’s Heart to increase love in her husband’s soul.
How do I Win Over My Cheating Husband in Islam?
In Islam, cheating is strictly prohibited and considered a sin. But if your husband still does it, then there is no way to save him other than dua to stop your husband from cheating.
When you pray to Allah SWT for your husband to stop cheating, it makes some sense to him, and he will start to follow the path of the righteous.
If you want to get your husband back after divorce then recite Dua to get husband back after divorce.
We will give you the best Islamic dua to stop your husband from cheating in a step-by-step format. Please follow all the steps carefully, and don’t forget to share this article with those who need it the most.
Powerful Dua to Stop Husband from Cheating and Restoring Your Marriage:
Steps to perform Dua to stop husband from cheating his wife-
- First of all, perform wudu.
- Read Durood Sharif three times.
- Recite the following verse 500 times, “Bismillahi alladhi la yadurru ma’asmihi shay’un fi al-ardi wala fi al-sama’i wa huwa al-sami’u al-‘alim.”
- Again, read Durood Sharif three times.
- In the end, pray to Allah SWT to make your husband stop cheating.

Remember, the key to success is consistency. Perform this dua for your husband’s fidelity daily for 21 days, and you will witness a positive change. However, it’s important not to share this until you see the desired results.
To help restore harmony in your marriage, explore this Dua To Solve Conflicts Between Husband And Wife as a way to resolve issues and build trust.
Powerful Dua to Keep Husband Faithful
If you believe your husband is unfaithful to you, and you don’t want to sacrifice your marriage because of his mistakes, then the dua to keep your husband faithful can provide you with Allah’s blessings.
Praying to Allah for a cheating husband is the best way to make your husband follow the right path. If you want to perform the dua for a cheating husband, follow the steps given in the table below.
Step no. | Explanation |
1. | Clean yourself by performing wudu. |
2. | Recite Durood Sharif three times. |
3. | Read the following Verse: “Ya Muqallibal-quloobi, thabbit qalbahu ‘alayy” 500 times. Translation: “O Turner of hearts, keep his heart firm upon me.” |
4. | After completing the verse, recite Durood Shareef 3 times. |
5. | Pray sincerely to Allah SWT, asking to keep your husband faithful. |

If you’re hoping to start a family, consider this Dua For Getting Pregnant to seek Allah’s blessings for a healthy and joyful family bond.
Strong Dua to Stop My Husband Having Affairs
The dua to stop my husband from having affairs is for all the women who think that their husbands can cheat on them in the future. This dua will increase love in your heart for you and keep him away from other women.
If you want to perform the dua to stop your husband from cheating on you, follow the steps given below.
Step no. | How to perform the step |
1. | Make a fresh wudu (Ablution). |
2. | Recite Durood Sharif with Ayat-ul-Kursi three times. |
3. | Read the follwoing verse from Surah Taha Ayat 39: “Wa Alqaytu ‘alayka mahabbatan minni wa li tusna’a ‘ala ayni” 100 times. |
4. | Then Read the following Verse: “Allahumma inni as’aluka hubbahu wa hubba man yuhibbuhu, wa a’malan yuqarribuni ila hubbihi.” 500 times. |
5. | Again, recite Durood Sharif with Ayat-ul-Kursi three times. |
6. | Pray to Allah SWT and Make a Dua to Stop My Husband Having Affairs. |

Translation of step three: “And I bestowed upon you love from Me that you would be brought up under My eye.”
Translation of step four: “O Allah, I ask You for his love and the love of those who love him, and actions that bring me closer to his love.”
For those seeking comfort and emotional balance, try this Dua For Peace of Mind to find calm and strength during challenging times in your relationship.
Effective Dua To Protect Husband From Another Woman
Sometimes, another woman tries to interfere with your relationship. In such situations, a woman becomes insecure and starts to doubt her husband and trust me, this can easily break your healthy marriage.
We have seen some women use bad methods to attract other men. If you want to protect your husband, read this Dua For Protection From Cheating.
For added blessings and security in your marriage, consider this Dua For Husband Protection to keep him safe, faithful, and prosperous.
Dua to protect your husband from another woman and keep your husband loyal to you is as follows:
Recite (AL MAANI-U) The Preventer as many times as possible to stop your husband from cheating you.
- Always stay in the form of wudu while reading the dua.
- After reading the lovely name of Allah (given above), make a dua to protect your husband from another woman.
- Perform this method for 11 days. Insha Allah, your husband will always stay faithful to you.
Amazing Dua For Protection From Cheating
Are you worried about your husband and want to protect him from taking the wrong steps? Don’t worry—you are not the first woman to think like that, and certainly, you won’t be the last.
You are our Muslim sister, so we want to say one thing to you: Please don’t ruin your relationship because of doubts about your man’s character. Instead, you can read dua to stop your husband from cheating.
If you believe your husband is cheating on you, then you can perform this Dua For Cheating Husband, and it will help to put some sense in your husband’s mind.
We have seen man ruining the lives of their children because of illegal affairs. Below, we are giving a method to perform dua to stop cheating husband.
Perform this method with faith in Allah SWT and Insha Allah; you will save your marriage.
How To Perform Aziz Dua For Cheating Husband?
Here is step by step method to perform Dua which will stop your husband from cheating you-
Make fresh wudu (ablution) and sit on your prayer mat.
Recite Durood Ebrahimi three times.
Chant verse no. 96 of Surah Maryam (Given below) 111 times.
Pray to Allah, and ask him to stop your husband from cheating you.
Remember one thing: the relationship between husband and wife is sacred and strong, but a problem like an Extramarital affair can ruin it forever.
So, it’s best for you to read this dua to protect your married life forever. Here on Dua Ilm we provide 100% effective and halal Islamic dua and wazifa so Allah will listen to your prayers.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a powerful dua to stop a husband from cheating?
You can read following dua to stop your husband from cheating, ALLAAHUMMA ANTA YAA RABBI ‘ASBEE A’LAA (mention the name of the spouse with mother’s name) QA-T’IF QALBAHAA A’LAYYA WA D’ALLIHAA LEE. Read this dua after every prayer.
How to Treat a Cheating Husband?
Cheating wife is haram in Islam but if your husband is saying he will behave himself then you should give him a chance. Here are few steps which will clear your questions about how to treat your husband after he cheated on you.
1. Treat him with respect and try to make him feel comfortable around you.
2. Keep his cheating thing private so he don’t feel ashamed around family and friends.
3. Try to provide him guidance to walk on right path from now on.
4. Most importantly keep praying to Allah to protect him from sins.
1. Reading dua to stop your husband from cheating will protect your marriage from falling apart.
2. Sometimes, when a husband cheats on his wife, and she finds out, she forgives and wants to stay with him, but the awkwardness ruins everything. This dua will help you solve that issue.
3. This dua will bring you and your husband the same amount of love and joy. Allah will remove all the problems from your married life within a few days.
4. When a woman reads a dua for her husband, Allah helps and guides him through the right path and protects him from sin.