In this article we aim to provide Dua To Solve Conflicts Between Husband And Wife. After getting married, many spouses experience both highs and lows in their marriage. Disagreements, Arguments and trust issues, financial problems are common in marriage.
Both husband and wife eventually feel emotional and physical disconnection with each other.
The level of love they feel from their partner changes over time, and sometimes, this leads to fights and disputes between couples, which destroy the pure relationship of husband and wife.
If you’re experiencing marital problems, this prayer can help restore love and understanding in your relationship. The article provides instructions on performing this dua to address and overcome these issues.
How can you solve conflicts between Husband and Wife by making dua ?
Sometimes, as time passes, the love between a husband and wife fades because they get too busy in their lives. They forget how much they used to love each other.
If you want to rekindle the lost love and solve the conflicts that arise due to this, then you should make this dua to solve problems between both of you.
Before making this dua, you need to follow some important guidelines that will help you make the dua properly in a halal method.
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Five important points to follow when making Dua to solve conflicts between husband and wife :
- Remember to pronounce every word of the dua correctly.
- Ask Allah for forgiveness for all your sins.
- Recite the 99 names of Allah SWT before starting the dua.
- Also, remember to sit with your face towards the Qibla.
- It would help if you did not do anything haram to solve your problem.
Dua For Husband And Wife Problems
The dua for resolving husband and wife issues from the Quran is a permissible supplication seeking Allah’s guidance, mercy, and intervention to address marital problems. One powerful dua for difficulties in marriage is found in the forth chapter of the Quran.
Translation of the Dua For Husband and Wife Problems in English :
“O humanity, fear the Almighty who created you from a single person, created partners, and scattered numerous men and women from them. Honour the rights of one another and the wombs that bore you. Allah always observes you.” – ( Quran chapter 4 )
Dua For Husband and Wife Love
In Islam, there is a treasure of wisdom about the love of a husband and wife. The holy book of the Quran offers a unique perspective on this love and relationship. We are sharing a dua that speaks about the love of husband and wife.
Translation of the Dua For Husband and Wife Love in English :
“One of Allah’s signs is that He made partners for you from among yourselves so that you can find peace in them. He also seeded love and mercy between you. Surely, there are signs in this for those who think intensely.” – ( Quran 30 )
Stepwise Guide to Perform Dua To Solve conflicts between husband and wife :
- Start by performing ablution.
- Wear clean clothes.
- Begin by praising the almighty and reciting the 99 names of Allah SWT.
- Now read Ayatul kursi 65 times.
- After that, recite the dua given above.
- Finally, recite the verse below and pray to Allah for a harmonious resolution in your marriage.
Please remember to perform this specific dua for 15 consecutive days. It is believed that, by the will of Allah, your marital issues will be resolved.
What are the major reasons of conflict between husband and wife?
It is a fact that husbands and wives will fight each other, whether the reason is small or big. Here are some major factors that can lead to conflict between husbands and wives.
1. Lack of Communication
A major reason marriages fail is that husbands and wives stop talking to each other. They don’t share their thoughts, emotions, and feelings or try to understand each other’s points of view. Communication is very important in marriage; it is a key to a successful marriage because it helps couples resolve differences and build a strong bond.
What Allah SWT says in the Quran ?
2. Time For Each Other
Couples often argue about not spending enough time with each other. Busy schedules can lead husbands and wives to neglect spending time together, causing communication and intimacy to suffer. This lack of connection is a major cause of conflicts between couples.
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3. Lack of intimacy
Intimacy is essential in marriage as it brings spouses closer to each other. Couples may become less intimate for various reasons, with one common cause being the busyness of work and family responsibilities. This busyness often leads to conflicts between husband and wife.
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Conclusion of the article
By Performing this dua to solve conflicts between husband and wife sincerely, you can seek Allah’s help in overcoming marital problems and strengthening your connection. Reciting this dua regularly can help strengthen the bond between husband and wife, enabling mutual understanding and compassion.
Frequently Asked Questions
Surah An-Nisa and Surah Ar-Rum are two Quranic chapters that are believed to be beneficial for strengthening the love and bond between husband and wife. Many people believe that reciting these surahs can help in overcoming marital problems and fostering a stronger and more harmonious relationship between spouses.
Yes, you can perform this dua to make your husband calm and loving.