Assalamu Alaikum, Here we will tell everything about Dua to make relationship stronger. We will discuss this dua, how to make it, and its boons.
As we all know, when communication, love, and trust start to fade in a relationship, everything else follows. All relationships go through high points and low points, and they all take work, responsibility, and a willingness to adjust and change with your love.
Yet, whether your relationship is just beginning or you’ve been together for quite a long time, there are some Islamic duas you can follow to build a strong and healthy relationship with your partner.
Read the entire article carefully so that you can perform the Dua for strong relationship without any mistakes. You can also read a Dua to create love in someone heart. This is helpful for those who are seeking love or wishing to mend a broken relationship.
The Important Guidelines about Wazifa To Make Relationship Stronger
Before beginning the Dua to make relationship stronger in Islam, it is important to follow these essential guidelines. Remember these rules if you wish to obtain something from Allah SWT by reciting a specific dua. Allah will only accept your prayer and fulfill your desires if you adhere to these rules. Here are the essential rules:
- Find a peaceful and clean space when you perform the dua to strengthen your relationship.
- Keep your mind clear of any negative thoughts towards others while you pray.
- Don’t forget to recite the dua while facing the Qibla for faster acceptance.
- Ladies, remember that you cannot pray during your periods.
If you’re looking for a way to make your crush love you, explore this Dua to make someone fall in love with you and ask Allah’s guidance for a loving relationship.
Dua To Make Relationship Stronger:
Fa Subhaanal lazee biyadihee malakootu kulli shai-inw-wa ilaihi turja’oon
Meaning : So glorified is He and exalted above all that they associate with Him, and in whose hands is the dominion of all things, and to Him you shall be returned.
In Arabic Text : فَسُبۡحَٰنَ ٱلَّذِي بِيَدِهِۦ مَلَكُوتُ كُلِّ شَيۡءٖ وَإِلَيۡهِ تُرۡجَعُونَ

How to pronounce this dua to make relationship stronger correctly?
Reciting dua in a wrong manner is sin is Islam. So one should pronounce every word correctly while reading the dua. So here we are sharing the proper pronunciation of this Dua for strong relationship.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to perform this Dua to Make your relationship Stronger:
- Start with ablution (wudu) to prepare for prayer.
- After the Esha prayer, recite the tashahhud three times.
- Afterwards, recite the above dua 101 times.
- Then recite the tashahhud three times again.
- Complete by sincerely praying to Allah, seeking His acceptance of your desires, and asking for forgiveness.
- Perform this wazifa for seven consecutive days after Esha prayer without skipping any day for optimal results.

Couples must consistently perform the Dua to strengthen relationship with sincerity and devotion. It is helpful to seek Allah SWT’s help to create a loving and peaceful relationship.
If there is too much fighting between a couple, then recite the dua to solve conflicts between husband and wife.
Strong Relationship Dua For Husband and Wife:
A Happy husband-and-wife relationship is a blessing of Allah SWT, and to keep it that way, you should recite strong relationship dua for husband and wife.
If your married life is filled with harmony and love, then all your other issues will not matter so much, and you can easily deal with them. But if it’s going rough, then life becomes hell. The dua to stop divorce will save your marriage from falling apart, but this dua will also strengthen a husband-wife relationship.
In this section, we are giving you the best dua for strong relationship of husband and wife. Anyone can perform this dua for a happy married life.
Method to perform strong relationship dua for husband and wife:

Follow these five steps to make your husband wife relationship stronger-
Perform wudu before starting the dua
It is important to stay in the form of ablution while performing the strong relationship dua.
Durood Sharif
After performing wudu, you have to recite Durood Sharif seven times.
Recite verse number 74 of Surah Al-Furqan 100 times
Here is Strong relationship dua for husband wife:
“Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a’yunin waj ‘alna lilmuttaqina imama.” (Translation: “Our Lord, grant us from our spouses and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”) — Surah Al-Furqan (25:74)Again Durood Sharif
After reading the dua 100 times, you must recite Durood Sharif 7 times.
Make a Dua
In the final step, you should raise your hands and pray to Allah SWT for a strong relationship between you and your spouse.
Read this, Islamic Wazifa To Make Relationship Stronger, for 21 days, and Insha Allah, your relationship with your partner will strengthen, and you will face no difficulties in your life. The “Strong Relationship Dua For Husband and Wife” is a powerful remedy that will always protect your married life.
If your marriage is broken and you want to be with your husband again, you can recite the Dua to Get Your Husband Back After Divorce.
Dua To Protect Your Relationship From Evil Eyes:
We all know that nowadays people can’t see another person happy, so saving your relationship from nazar is really important. You can perform this dua to protect your relationship from the evil eyes of others.
Read this dua after every salaah for three days:
"Bismillahi alladhi la yadurru ma'asmihi shay'un fil-ardi wala fis-sama'i wa huwas-sami'ul 'alim."(Translation: In the name of Allah, with whose name nothing is harmed on earth or in the heavens, and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.)

This Dua to improve relationship will keep your relationship safe and strong forever. Make sure to stay in the form of wudu while performing the prayer.
FAQs about Dua for strong relationship:
How can I strengthen my relationship with Dua?
If a person wants to strengthen their relationship, the best way is to perform the following dua: “Allahumma alif bayna qulubina wa aslih dhata baynina wahdina subulassalam.” Perform wudu at the start and recite Durood Sharif seven times at the start and end of the dua.
What is the best Dua for a stronger relationship?
The best dua for a stronger relationship is “Rabbi inni lima azalea ilayya min khayrin faqir.” Recite this dua a hundred times daily after Isha prayer and then ask Allah to strengthen your relationship with that person.
How can I protect my relationship from negativity using Dua?
If you want to protect your relationship from evil and negativity, recite this dua (A’udhu bikalimatillahi at-tammati min sharri ma khalaq) daily after every compulsory prayer. This dua will protect you and your relationship from all kinds of evil and negativity.
SubhanAllah! Reading and following the Dua to Make Relationship Stronger from your site has brought immense positivity and understanding into my relationship. We’ve overcome many challenges, and our bond feels more loving and secure. Thank you for sharing such effective and heartfelt guidance. May Allah reward you abundantly!