Dua to Break Engagement and Marriage (Shadi Todne ka Wazifa)


Assalamualaikum. This powerful Dua to Break Engagement and Marriage can be very helpful for a couple who are being forced to marry someone they do not know.

Marriage (nikah) is considered as sacred bond in Muslim families. Marriage unites not only the bride and groom but also their respective families. However, there are situations where someone may not wish to marry the person chosen for them by their parents.

You can recite Dua For Love Marriage To Agree Parents if you want to convince your parents for your marriage.

As a young generation, we think about our future. Whether we get the love, companionship, care, and understanding we want from our partner in the relationship.

In their effort to ensure their child’s future, parents may not always understand the emotional pain they are causing their child by arranging relationships based on societal norms.

Some Points To Remember Before Making Shadi or Rishta Todne ka Wazifa and Dua

You have to follow all the following points if you perform any dua or wazifa from this article:

  • When performing the dua, make sure your intention should be good.
  • Pronounce the Duas wording correctly.
  • It is important to pray 5 times daily while performing the dua.
  • Choose the same time and place every day to make the dua.
  • Always wear clean and white clothes.
  • Once you start a dua, avoid leaving it in the middle or becoming disheartened.

You can also read Dua For Love Marriage to marry the person of your choice.

Powerful Dua to Break Marriage Proposal

Suppose your family have accepted a marriage proposal, but you don’t want to marry that particular person. In that case, you can follow these steps to perform a dua to stop the marriage proposal.

Step no.Explanation
1.Perform wudu to clean yourself.
2.Recite Durood Sharif three times.
3.Read the following verse: “Allahumma alhimni rushdi wa a’idhni min sharri nafsi” 500 times.
4.After completing the verse, again recite Durood Shareef three times.
5.Pray sincerely to Allah SWT for stopping the Marriage Proposal.
Step-by-step guide to perform Dua to Break Marriage Proposal

When facing challenging situations and seeking powerful guidance, exploring practices like NadE Ali Wazifa can provide spiritual strength and support.

Rishta or Shadi Todne ka Wazifa

If you want to break your rishta (engagement) or shadi (marriage) then you can perform a shadi todne ka wazifa and ask Allah for help.

Step no.Explanation
1.Perform wudu and stay in the form of ablution while performing the dua.
2.Recite Durood Sharif three times.
3.Read the following Verse from Surah Al-Qasas 28:24: “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faqir” 500 times.
4.Again, recite Durood Shareef 3 times.
5.Pray sincerely to Allah SWT, asking to break your shadi or rishta.
Steps to perform Shadi Todne ka Wazifa.
Rishta or Shadi Todne ka Wazifa
Steps to perform Rishta or Shadi Todne ka Wazifa

If you’re looking for a way to shift your circumstances and ultimately find peace, considering a Dua For Good Life Partner can help guide you toward a relationship that aligns with your best interests.

Islamic Dua to Break Someone Engagement

  1. Perform Wudu to clean yourself physically and spiritually.
  2. Recite Durood Ibhrahimi five times.
  3. Read the following verse: “Tawakkaltu ‘alallah, la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah” 500 times.
  4. Again, recite Durood Ibhrahimi five times.
  5. Pray to Allah for help in breaking that person’s engagement.
Dua to Break Someone Engagement
Process to perform Dua to Break Someone Engagement

If you want to break someone’s engagement, follow the steps given above, and Insha Allah, you will succeed.

When facing difficult situations like reconsidering an engagement, making a Dua To Get What You Want can be a way to seek Allah’s guidance and achieve the best outcome according to His will.

What is the Dua to Break the Engagement and Marriage?

The biggest struggle in life is choosing whether to obey our parents’ decision, which can lead to an unhappy and dark future, or to be with someone we choose by breaking our engagement. Now, the question arises: What is the Dua to Break the Engagement?

We understand that when we are under pressure, we may be forced to marry someone we don’t know. We may not share common thoughts and feelings with that person. This can lead to a lack of companionship and connection.

The real issue arises when we try to communicate with this person, but they don’t reciprocate or try to understand us. During these times, we usually experience negative thoughts, feel easily disappointed, and may feel like ending everything.

To avoid such thoughts and situations, Allah has provided a dua that can be helpful during these difficult times.

How To Get Your Dua To Break Someone Engagement and Marriage Accepted in Islam?

When it comes to personal matters such as breaking off an engagement or marriage, it’s important to seek help from Allah (SWT) through faith and trust. In Islam, problems are resolved through trust, patience, and understanding. However, if all efforts fail, making a dua to break someone engagement is a powerful tool to seek Allah’s guidance.

Before making a dua, it is important to follow certain guidelines that will help you achieve results quickly.

While seeking solutions to complex relationship issues, it’s essential to understand that making a Dua For Marriage Proposal can also be a way to ask Allah for guidance toward a more suitable match.

Dua For Breaking Someone Marriage

The most painful experience in life is watching the person you love get engaged or married to someone else. At that moment, the only thing you feel is hurt. It feels like you have lost something precious, and it’s gone forever. The pain you feel cannot be described in tears. If you are in a situation where your partner is forced to marry someone else, you can recite this Dua for Breaking Engagement and Marriage.

Dua for breaking engagement and marriage
Dua for breaking engagement and marriage

“When she heard people speaking badly about him, she invited them to a dinner. She gave them a knife and asked Joseph to come before them. They admired him so much that they accidentally cut their hands when they saw him. They said, “God save us! It is an Angel in human form.” ( Surah Yusuf )

Some Other Recommended Duas for Breaking Engagement or Marriage

  • Istikhara Dua For Breaking Engagement Or Marriage : When making important decisions such as breaking off an engagement or marriage, it is highly recommended to perform an Ishtikhara first to seek Allah’s guidance.
Dua to break engagement and marriage
Dua to break engagement and marriage

“O Allah, I ask for Your guidance and help, as You have knowledge and power beyond mine. I seek Your blessings and trust Your wisdom. If something is good for my faith, life, and future, please make it happen and make it easy for me. But if it’s not good for me, please keep it away from me and guide me to what’s best. Show me the correct path and help me be pleased with it.”

  • Dua For Seeking Allah’s Help To Break Engagement and Marriage : It’s important to remember that in Islam, everything that happens in the world is believed to be determined by Allah’s will and wisdom. This means that nothing occurs without Allah’s knowledge and permission and that everything unfolds according to His plan. So, to seek the Almighty’s help in breaking engagement and marriage, one should recite this Shadi Todne ka Wazifa.
Dua for seeking Allah's help to break engagement or marriage
Dua for seeking Allah’s help to break engagement or marriage

“I turn to Allah alone with my complaints of suffering and sorrow, seeking relief and strength from Him. I know that Allah has granted me truths and wisdom beyond your understanding.” (Quran 12:86)

Dua to Break Engagement and Marriage in the Halal Way:

  1. Sincerity and Intentions:

    Your intentions should be good and genuine.

  2. Perform Wudu (Ablution):

    It is best to clean yourself before making a dua.

  3. Face the Qibla:

    When making a dua, you have to sit in the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca.

  4. Raise Your Hands and Make Dua:

    Raising your hands while making dua and read the dua which is given above.

  5. Praise Allah:

    Start your dua by praising Allah.

  6. Make a Niyyah:

    Clearly express your wish and ask for Allah’s guidance and help.

  7. Trust in Allah’s Plan:

    Have faith that Allah will guide you to what is best for you, even if it might not be what you initially desired.

Dua to break engagement or marriage in Islam
Dua to break engagement or marriage in Islam


In Islam, breaking an engagement or marriage is a serious issue for Muslim families. Because it is a question of respect and dignity for your family, it should be approached with faith, understanding, and devotion. Seeking Allah’s guidance through dua is a powerful way to find clarity and peace when making such decisions.

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Muhammad Bilal is a renowned Islamic Scholar who has dedicated his life to helping Muslim brothers and sisters around the globe with the help of the Quran.

7 thoughts on “Dua to Break Engagement and Marriage (Shadi Todne ka Wazifa)”

  1. Shukriya Bilal bhai, with your help, I was able to break my engagement, and now I am reading the dua you gave me to convince my parents of the marriage to my boyfriend. Inhsa Allah, I believe they will agree soon, and I will always make dua for your health and long life.

  2. Alhamdulillah, I found peace and clarity after reading the Dua to Break Engagement. It helped me make the right decision and gave me the strength I needed during a very challenging time. I’m grateful to Bilal brother for this spiritual guidance that brought calm to my heart.


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