Asalam Alaikum , It’s important for wife to feel heard and valued in their marriage. When a wife feels her husband isn’t paying attention to her, it can lead to frustration and conflict. In such cases faith in Allah SWT and Dua To Make Husband Listen To His Wife will help you to improve communication and your married life.
This article provides answers to frequently asked questions about Dua to Change Husband’s Mind & Listen to His Wife and offers guidance to strengthen the connection between spouses.
This Powerful Dua For Husband love has been found to have a strong, positive effect on husbands by numerous wives.
Therefore, to create a stronger, long lasting bond with your husband and bring him closer to you. every wife should make this Dua to make husband listen to his wife.
How Do I Make Dua For Making my Husband Listen to me?
Remember that successful marriages depend on good communication and listening. Sometimes, couples find it hard to talk to each other and struggle to listen. If you or your partner are not listening, it could mean there’s a problem.
But there are Dua to make husband listen his wife which you can make to handle this issue and help both of you feel heard, supported, and connected again.
Our given duas are from our Holy book of Quran and are pure halal. Hence, we are not providing the haram ways here. They are only useful to create love between husband and wife.
Read Dua For Cheating Husband if your husband is not faithful to you.
Some Essential Guidelines to Perform Dua For Husband to listen his Wife:
You need to follow some important guidelines to perform this dua:
- The reason for which you are doing a dua should be correct and according to shariah.
- You must read the dua with correct pronunciation.
- One must be in wudu (ablution) and when performing dua he must face the Qibla (Kaaba) and keep in mind his purpose for performing dua.
- Perform this Dua to make husband listen to his wife at a specific time. Fajr is the appropriate time to reap its rewards.
- Dress up in an Islamic while performing the Dua To Increase Love In Husband Heart.
- While reading a Dua you cannot talk to anyone even by gestures and no one should disturb you or divert your attention. That means keep your mobile phones off.
What is The Dua to Make Husband Listen to His Wife?
To maintain a respectful and harmonious relationship between a husband and wife is very important in Islam. One key part of a healthy marriage is good communication and understanding each other.
If your marriage is at risk of breaking and you want to protect it, then recite dua to save your marriage from divorce.
Conflicts are normal, and sometimes the husband might not listen to his wife’s concerns or views. In those times, the Islamic tradition recommends making a dua for husband to listen his wife to seek Allah’s help and intervention.
We are sharing this Wazifa to make husband listen to his wife which will make your married life smoother and remove all the obstacles that are coming in the way of your love life.
To strengthen a relationship, learn about the Dua To Make Someone Obsessed With You, a prayer to deepen affection and love.

Easy Steps to Perform The Dua in a Proper Halal Method:
- The first step is to ensure that the intention behind performing this is solely for the sake of Allah and the betterment of the relationship.
- Next, the wife should perform wudu (ritual ablution) and offer two rakah (units) of voluntary prayer.
- Then read Surah Al-Fatiha and Surah At-Takwir seven times each.
- Then read the Dua to make husband listen to his wife (given above).
- After the dua, she should ask “O Allah, soften my husband’s heart towards me and make him inclined to listen to my words with an open mind and a compassionate heart.”

I suggest you to repeat this process for eleven consecutive days and have faith that your prayers will be answered by Allah. If you require any form of assistance, please feel free to reach out to us on Whats App at no cost.
Powerful Dua To Increase Love In Husband Heart:

Step no. | How to perform the step |
1. | Perform wudu and sit on your prayer mat facing qibla. |
2. | Read Ayatul Kursi five times. |
3. | Recite “Surah Al-Hashr (59:21)” 100 times. |
4. | Again, read Ayatul Kursi five times. |
5. | Make a Dua To Increase Love In Husband Heart to Allah SWT for help. |
Islamic Dua and Wazifa To Increase Love Between Husband And Wife:
If you want to increase the love in your partner’s heart, then there is Wazifa and dua to increase love between husband and wife.
To increase love between husband and wife in Islam, first make a fresh wudu and recite Durood Sharif three times. Then, recite Surah Ar-Rum (30:21) 500 times and again recite Durood Sharif three times. Finally, make a dua to Allah SWT to increase love between husband and wife.

Here are the important things for wives to remember while making this dua for their husband’s attention:
- Treat your husband with kindness, respect, and wisdom.
- Avoid using harsh words, nagging, or getting overly emotional.
- Try to understand your husband’s perspective and work together to find solutions.
- Continued lack of listening could be a sign that your marriage is at risk.
- Stay connected with your faith through regular prayers, reciting the Quran, and remembering Allah.
This is what Allah (SWT) Says About Ideal Marriage in Islam:
It seems like your husband is not meeting the expectations of a good husband as described in the Quran. This is causing you a lot of suffering.
Even though you feel you can’t leave him because you don’t think you are strong enough to handle a divorce, it’s important to consider whether staying in this marriage is actually benefiting you. It’s worth considering whether the relief of a divorce might be a better option than continuing to suffer in this situation.

If you want to fulfill your desires through Islamic prayer, check out this Dua To Get What You Want for guidance on asking Allah for your heartfelt wishes.
The Role of Husband And Wife in Islam
Some of the roles shared by both husband and wife are :
- Wife should accord due respect and maximum honor to his husband.
- Husband and wife are entitled to good marital relationship and sexual enjoyment from his/her partner.
- Each of them should give due honor and respect to the relative of his/her partner.
- Both should keep the secret of his/her partner.
Which surah increases love in Husband?
Surah Ar-Rum (30:21) is for increasing love between husband and wife. This verse highlights the affection and mercy Allah places between married couples. Recite this verse daily after every salah for love, peace, and understanding in a marriage.
How to make husband love you dua?
To strengthen your relationship and increase your husband’s love for you, you can make dua (supplication) with sincerity and faith. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to recite a dua to make your husband love you: Perform wudu and Offer Two Rak’ahs of Nafl Salah; after that, recite Surah Al-Furqan (25:74) 500 times, and in the end pray to Allah SWT to get love from your husband.
How can I get my husband to listen to his wife only in Islam?
If you want your husband to only listen to you, then the Surah Al-Hashr (59:21) dua is for you. Recite this verse after every salah for as much as possible and pray to Almighty Allah.
Conclusion of this Dua To Make A husband listen to his wife
In conclusion, the dua to make a husband listen to his wife is a powerful tool in the Islamic tradition, but it must be accompanied by sincerity, patience, and a commitment to fostering a healthy and harmonious relationship. By following these steps, couples can work together to resolve their differences and cultivate a marriage that is pleasing to Allah.
It’s important to remember that Allah has a greater plan for each of us. Even if we face disrespect or lack of understanding from others, we can find comfort in the belief that his plan for us is ultimately for our benefit.