When you seek peace and calmness in your life, it is believed that you should turn to Allah for guidance by performing the Dua for Peace of Mind and Heart. In the hustle and bustle of today’s world, we often forget to smile or connect with our loved ones.
Our lives have become so hectic that we need peace of mind to counter the frustration or irritation we may cause others by speaking rudely.
The stress of daily life can lead to anxiety and sadness, making it challenging to find happiness for ourselves and those around us. We are so much into our work that we neglect our partner, which destroys our relationship.
Read our detailed guide on Dua To Get What You Want to achieve your heart’s desire and learn how to turn your sincere prayers into reality.
So, to attain peace of mind and heart, we have Dua, a powerful tool because it’s a direct way to communicate with Allah and seek his guidance.
“Dua is the essence of worship”
Anxiety Dua For Peace of Mind And Heart:
We all face challenges in life, such as raising a family, choosing a promising career, and balancing work and personal life. To overcome these challenges, Dua For Peace of Mind and Heart is a way to ask Allah for help. As the Quran says :
“Peace resides in the hearts of those who truly remember Allah.” ( Surah Ar Rad 12:28 )
“True peace is found within the hearts of those who always keep Allah in their thoughts and Mind.”
Method to perform Powerful Dua for Inner Peace and Mental Calmness:
Step no. | How to perform the step |
1. | Perform wudu and sit on your prayer mat facing qibla. |
2. | Read Ayatul Kursi five times. |
3. | Recite “Surah Ar Rad 12:28 ” 100 times. |
4. | Again, read Ayatul Kursi five times. |
5. | Pray to Allah SWT for help in achieving Inner Peace and Mental Calmness |

Best Times to Make Dua for Peace of Mind
The best times to perform dua for peace of mind and heart are Tahajjud (late night prayer), after Salah, or on Fridays. The Manzil Dua can protect you from all kinds of sihr.
You can perform this dua whenever you face hardship or anxiety in your life. Dua for mind peace is the best way to ask the Almighty for help to overcome problems.
If you want to gain someone’s love then you can recite Dua to create love in someone heart.
What is the Dua For Peace of Mind?
Here is the dua for peace from the holy book of the Quran, which is a prayer for achieving peace of mind. This verse is from chapter seven of Al-Bukhari and Al-Asqalani.
You can also read Dua To Forget Someone because it will help you gain emotional peace. The Dua to safeguard from anxiety and depression will protect you from all kind of evils.

Translation in english :
“O Allah, I ask for protection from worry, distress, inability, laziness, cowardice, cheapness, heavy debt, and being overpowered by others.” ( Al Bukhari 17:158 )
If you want to conceive a baby but cannot conceive after many tries, then try reading Dua for Pregnancy. It will help you to get pregnant within a month.
How to Perform Dua for Instant Relief from Stress and Anxiety?

Make a Fresh Wuzu
Before making the Dua for Peace of Mind and Heart, you should make a clear ablution and wear clean clothes.
Recite Durood Sharif (Salawat)
Start by sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Recite Durood Sharif eleven times.
Read Surah Al Fatiha
This is the opening surah of quran. You have to recite all the verses three times.
Now Read the Dua For Peace 101 times
Read this dua for peace of mind and heart “Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min al-hammi wal-hazan, wal-‘ajzi wal-kasal, wal-jubni wal-bukhli, wa ghalabati ad-dayn wa qahri ar-rijal.”
Conclude with Durood Sharif (Salawat) 11 Times
Again, complete the dua with reciting Durood Sharif eleven times.
Make a Personal Dua
In the end make a heartfelt Dua for Peace of Mind and Heart, in your own language and words asking Allah SWT for the peace of mind.
Perform this halal method for eleven days. Inshallah, you will surely find peace if your heart is broken during your hard times. You can also read this Dua To Remove Sadness.
Islamic Way to Perform The Best Dua for Finding Inner Peace and Emotional Relief:
If you are depressed and want relief, then you should seek professional help, but along with it, you can also perform dua for a peaceful mind.
By reading a dua to find inner peace, you ask the Lord for help, and trust us: when Allah is with you, nothing can harm you.
If you want instant relief from depression or anxiety, then follow this process:
Step no. | What to do in the step |
1. | Perform the dua after every salah. |
2. | Read Durood Sharif seven times. |
3. | Recite “Surah Ghafir (40:60)” 1100 times. |
4. | Recite the following verse from Abu Dawood “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from anxiety and grief, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being overpowered by men” 100 times. |
5. | Again, Durood Sharif seven times. |
6. | Pray to Allah SWT to remove your depression or anxiety and give you peace of mind and heart. |

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Which surah is best for the peace of mind?
Surah Al-Fatiha is surah number 1 in the holy Quran, with seven verses, which is best for attaining peace of mind and heart.
Can we use this dua in the times of distress?
Yes, you can read this dua in the hard times. you can also read Dua For Distress for strength and peace in the times of distress.
What is the best time to read this dua?
You can recite this prayer after your morning prayers and before going to sleep.
Final Words:
This dua For Peace of Mind can help you find the inner peace and comfort you seek through consistent remembrance of Allah and sincere prayers. Trust Allah’s wisdom and mercy; He will ease your heart and guide you toward peace.
If you want to achive peace of mind then remember sabr (patience) is really important. Allah SWT says in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:153): “O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.“