When you want to know someone’s intentions, character, hidden secrets, and actions, it is believed that you should turn to Allah for guidance by performing Dua To Know The Hidden Truth About Someone.
So, if you are uncertain about someone and want to avoid making harmful decisions while seeking the truth, you can make this Dua For Truth To Be Exposed.
If you’re searching for something missing, the Dua To Find Lost Items can be a helpful prayer to recite for guidance and assistance in recovering your belongings.
This “dua for revealing the truth” will help you understand the reality of a situation or person. You will find the secrets through your dreams while you sleep or through your intuition, guiding you to the truth.
A Five Step Guide For Performing Dua To Know The Hidden Truth About Someone
- Your intention must be sincere in performing the dua for the sake of Allah.
- Make a heartfelt Niyyah (intention) in your heart before performing the dua.
- Always face the qibla in the direction of Al-Kabah.
- Choose an appropriate time for the Dua For Truth To Be Exposed.
- It is recommended not to perform the dua during menstrual periods if you are a woman.
Powerful Dua To See The Hidden Truth
When you want to know someone’s true character or intentions, you can use this powerful dua to see the hidden truth from the Quran and Sunnah. This dua can help you gain insight while asking for Allah’s guidance and knowledge when dealing with this situation.

Translation in english :
“My Lord, grant me the power to face challenges, make my way easier, and help me to express myself clearly so that others may understand me.” ( Quran Chapter 20 )
Step no. | How to perform |
1. | Perform wudu and sit on your prayer mat facing qibla. |
2. | Read Ayatul Kursi five times. |
3. | Recite “Dua To See The Hidden Truth (given above)” 500 times. |
4. | Again, read Ayatul Kursi five times. |
5. | Make dua for revealing the truth to Allah SWT. |
After reading the dua, you can see the truth either in a dream or the truth will come naturally in front of your eyes.
Powerful Dua For Allah To Reveal the Hidden Truth
You must have heard every time the love story of people who cheated in love, the painful story of people who cheated in love, or you might be the person who wants to know about your partner to avoid such a situation.
Suppose you want to know the hidden intention or truth behind that person’s intention. In that case, you can recite this Dua for Allah to reveal the hidden truth and seek guidance from Allah in disclosing the hidden truths and understanding the true intentions of a situation or a person.

O Allah! Please help us to see the Truth as Truth and allow us to follow it. And show us the falsehood as false and allow us to abstain from it. ( Imam Ghazali )
In love-related issues, when you find a hidden truth about your partner, and you want to move on, you can recite Dua to forget someone you love.
How To Know The Hidden Truth About Someone?
In Islam, dua to know the hidden truth about someone is the most powerful tool for solving problems in various aspects of life. Islam also permits knowing the truth about anyone if one’s intentions are good.
It encourages us to avoid thinking the worst about others. Still, it also permits us to seek clarity and protection when necessary, especially for our well-being or the well-being of others.
But now the question arises: How can we know the hidden truth about someone by performing dua? So, we are sharing the easy and halal method of performing the Dua To Know The Hidden Truth About Someone. If you want to gain love and respect, read Dua to make someone love you.
How do you make Dua To Know the hidden truth?
Here is step by step method to perform Islamic dua to know the hidden truth about someone:
Perform Wuzu
Make a Fresh Ablution and wear clean clothes.
Recite Durood Shareef
After ablution, recite durood Shareef three times.
Read Surah Al-Asr
This verse is known as Verse of The Time; You have to recite this verse seven times.
Now Read the dua for truth 101 times.
The Dua to know the hidden truth is Allahumma arinal haqqa haqqaw warzuqnat tiba’ah, wa arinal baatila baatilaw warzuqnaj tinaabah.
Pray to Allah
Finally, pray to the almighty and ask Allah SWT to reveal the truth.

The Dua for revealing the hidden truth will deliver results within 11 days. This prayer will enable you to uncover the truth about someone. Similarly you can recite Dua for peace of mind because it will help you lower your mental stress.
Benefits of reading Dua To Reveal The Truth
- Remember to seek clarity so that the truth becomes clear.
- Seeks Allah’s guidance to differentiate between good and evil.
- Protects from being convinced by falsehoods or deceit.
- It helps in difficult situations where the truth is hidden or hard to understand.
- Protects you from those with bad intentions or aim to hurt you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Which is the best surah to know the hidden truth about someone?
Surah Al Asr is the best surah to reveal the hidden truth about someone.
Which is the best time to recite this dua?
The best time to pray is before ending the prayer, immediately after finishing the prayer and between the late afternoon and evening prayers on Friday.
Can I recite this Dua To Make Someone Speak The Truth for my partner?
Yes, you can recite this dua for your husband or partner but your intentions should be good.