Assalamu Alaikum, If you’ve found that special someone and are ready to take the big step of marriage, this blog is for you. The Powerful Dua to Get Married To A Specific Person is very helpful in seeking Allah’s blessings for your union with the one you love.
As we know, falling in love is easy. But taking the next step and marrying that special someone is not always expected. However, beautiful things can happen if we pray sincerely to Allah.
You can marry your lover or the person you want by performing a powerful dua for love marriage. Our blog aims to guide you in seeking Allah’s blessings for your marriage.
What is the Powerful Duas To Marry Someone You Love?
The most difficult decision in life is whether to follow our parents’ wishes, which may lead to an unhappy future or to be with the person we want to spend our lives with. The question arises: What is the dua to get married to a specific person?
Love and marriage are lovely gifts, and our prayers can unite hearts in unique ways, whether it’s someone you’ve admired from afar or a particular person already in your life.
The Wazifa For Love Marriage is a powerful Islamic prayer to ask Almighty for blessings of your wedding.
When you find yourself in this situation and want to marry your loved one, remember that in Islam, love is considered a beautiful gift from Allah (SWT). With the right intentions, it can lead to a blessed marriage.
Powerful Dua To Get Married To The Person You Want:
If you have decided that you want to marry a person, but there are many difficulties in the path of your marriage, in such a situation, you can recite dua to get married to the person you want.
We know that you may think reading a dua can help you marry the person of your choice. Remember, there is nothing in the world that can’t be achieved if Allah is with you.
Follow these 5 steps to perform dua to get married to the person you want-
First perform wudu and sit on your prayer mat.
Recite Durood Sharif three times.
Read Surah Al-Qasas Ayat 24 “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faqeer” 1000 times.
Again, recite Durood Sharif three times.
In the end, raise your hand towards Allah and make a dua to get married to the person you want.

Perform the dua with complete faith, and Insha Allah, you can get married to the person you want.
Recite dua to make someone love you if that person is denying to marry you. If you need more help then you can consult us through WhatsApp.
Here is Dua To Get Married To A Specific Person:
“Allahumma layyin qalba (mention person’s name) kama layyintal hadida li Dawooda alayhi salam.”
Meaning: “O Allah, soften the heart of (person’s name) for me, just as You softened iron for Dawood (peace be upon him).”
When you love someone and want to marry them, your parents may not understand immediately. They may not see how important that person is to you.
If you want to convince your parents about your love marriage, read Dua for Love Marriage to agree parents.
Our powerful Dua For Marrying the Specific Person is a beacon of hope, as it can help your parents understand and support your decision to marry the person of your choice.
Also, sometimes, the person you love may not be ready to marry you. Whenever you ask him about marriage, he makes excuses. In such a situation, you can also read the dua to marry a specific person.
If you want to perform the above-given dua about marrying a specific perform, then follow these steps:
Step no. | Description |
1. | Start your dua by performing a fresh wudu and remember to stay in the form of wudu while performing the dua. |
2. | Read Durood Sharif three times. |
3. | Recite the Dua (given above) 500 times. |
4. | Read Durood Sharif three times again. |
5. | Raise your hands and pray to Allah SWT to help you get married to that specific person. |

Dua To Get Married Soon To Someone You Love:
The dua for marrying the person you love is for all those people who have a love affair and they want to convert it into the halal relationship of husband and wife.
Performing the “dua to get married to someone you love” will help you marry soon with that person plus remove all sorts of trouble from your relationship and the path of your marriage.
It is important to perform this dua with the intention of making sure you don’t just want to marry that person without loving them. Your intention should be pure and focused on building a loving and respectful relationship.
Trust in Allah SWT’s plan and have complete faith in this process for the success of your love marriage.
If you want to perform dua to marry someone you love then follow these steps:
Step no. | Step Description |
1. | Perform Wudu and sit in a quiet room where no one will disturb you. |
2. | Read Durood Sharif three times. |
3. | Recite Surah Al-Anbiya verse 89 “Rabbi la tadharni fardan wa anta khayrul waritheen” 500 times. |
4. | Read Durood Sharif three times again. |
5. | Raise your hands and pray to Allah and say “Ya Allah, if (person’s name) is good for me, my deen, and my life, then grant me marriage with them and bring us closer in love and understanding.” |

Recite Dua To Get What You Want if you want to ask Allah SWT for some immediate help.
How To Get Your Dua To Get Married To The Person You Want Accepted?
Do you have a special someone in mind that you dream of marrying? You can believe in the power of dua to bring your hearts together and make that dream a reality.
However, before making a dua to get married to a specific person, it is essential to follow specific guidelines to help you achieve results quickly.
Perform Istikhara for marriage | First, perform Istikhara before starting the dua. It is a prayer for guidance, and it can help you understand if your decision to marry this person is in line with Allah’s will. |
Positive thoughts | Remember to have positive thoughts and a pure intention to perform the dua because, in the end, your intention is what matters the most. |
Pronunciation | Make sure that you pronounce the words of the Duas correctly. |
Ablution | Perform a fresh wudu (ablution) before starting the wazifa. |
Five times Salah | Remember to recite your compulsory prayers five times daily and offer your dua. |
Special Day | Remember to start your prayers on special days, like Fridays (Jummah), as it is believed that Allah is more likely to answer your prayers quickly. |
You can also read Dua To Create Love In Someone’s Heart if you want to put your love in a specific persons heart.
Some Other Recommended Duas To Marry Specific Person
- Istikhara Dua To Marry Specific Person: The Istikhara dua to get married to person you love is a prayer the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recommended for making important decisions, such as marriage to a loved one.

Translation in English :
O Allah, I ask for direction, strength, and blessings. You know all, while I do not. If you know that a job is good for me in this life and the next, make it comfortable for me to obtain and bless me in it. If you know a job is wrong, keep it away from me and choose what is best for me. Please help me with Marrying the person I want. ( Sahih Al-Bukhari )
- Dua for Seeking Allah’s Help to Get Married to a Specific Person: Are you looking to marry someone special and win over their heart or their family’s?. Here’s a powerful “dua to get married to the person you want” that could make a positive impact.

Translation in English :
“May Allah bless us with loving and peaceful relationships with our partners and children, bringing happiness to our souls and inspiring others with our goodness.”( Quran Chapter 25 )
You must perform this dua to get married to the person you want for just seven days with complete faith in the almighty, and you will be able to marry the person you desire.
Read Dua For Marriage Proposal if someone is not getting a good marriage proposal.
FAQs About Dua for Marriage With A person of Your Choice:
Can I make dua to marry a specific person?
Yes, you can ask Allah to help you marry someone specific, but it’s crucial to have faith in His wisdom. Allah will smooth the path for you if this person will benefit your life, faith, and future. If not, He might steer you towards something better.
What dua is used to marry the person you love?
If you want to marry the person you love then after Isha Salah recite “YA AZIZO YA WADDODO” 500 times with “Hasbunallaho wa naimal wakeel” 500 times. Insha Allah you will get success.
What should I do if my dua for marriage is not being answered?
Stay patient, as Allah’s timing never fails. Keep praying and believe that Allah knows what’s best for you. If the person you have in mind isn’t right for you, Allah might lead you to someone more suitable.
Or you are not performing the dua to marry someone you love right. In this case, you can consult us for guidance.
In Islam, loving and marrying a person you love is a halal thing. When we fall in love with a specific person, we always dream of getting married, irrespective of caste, religion, societal norms, etc. But it is important to get approval from parents. Even if they don’t understand how important that person is to us.
They don’t see the connection, understanding, and caring between us and that loved one. This is the Dua for marrying the Specific Person. It will help our parents understand these matters and marry a particular person.