Dua for Convincing Parents for Love Marriage

Our Dua for Convincing Parents for Love Marriage has helped many people who were facing obstacles in their path to wedding.

As we all know, marriage and spending your entire life with your loved one are beautiful dreams for many. Love is a deep and strong emotion that cannot be ignored. Marrying the person we love can be one of life’s most beautiful commitments.

However, only some people’s dreams come true due to their parents’ objections. In our society, it becomes very difficult and challenging to convince your parents to allow love marriage.

But Love Marriage has special importance in Islam. The Dua for love marriage will help you remove obstacles from the path of your love marriage. If your love is true and pure and your life partner is truly into deen, then it is crucial in the eyes of Allah (SWT).

In the eyes of purity, women of righteousness are destined for honorable men, and vice versa

Quran ( 24:26 )

How will this Dua work to make your parents agree to love marriage?

Before reading or performing any dua, it is important to remember that Allah has a plan for each of us. So you have to keep patience for everything. Allah only gives to those who have patience. Sometimes, the timing of our prayers being answered might test our patience.

When you are praying for something, especially when it comes to gaining the approval of your parents, you have to keep trust and faith in Allah’s wisdom and mercy.

If you facing hurdles in your marriage and you are seeking to marry specific person and hoping to soften their heart or the heart of their family towards you then you can perform this powerful Surah Ikhlas Wazifa For Love Marriage.

Some Tips To Keep in Mind Before Starting the Dua

If your parents are against your marriage due to cultural and personal reasons, this dua has helped many people convince their parents to accept and bless their love marriage. But before starting the dua for convincing parents for love marriage, you have to follow some important guidelines that will help you get the desired results.

Make a NiyyahBefore making dua, ensure that your intentions are sincere and pure
Choose the Best Times for DuaPerform this dua after the Fajr and Esha prayers as these are times when duas are more likely to be accepted.
Pray ConsistentlyRemember, it may take time for your prayers to be answered. Be patient and consistent in making your prayers, even if you don’t see immediate results.
Respect and Honor Your ParentsWhen you pray, remember how important it is to treat your parents with respect and love. Even if they disagree with your choices at first, always speak to them respectfully, as this is highly valued in Islam.
Combine Dua with ActionWhen making dua, it’s important to also take practical steps to gain your parents’ approval. This may involve having calm discussions with them, including respected family members, or seeking advice from religious scholars.
Follow these important tips before starting the wazifa to get desrired results as soon as possible.

Dua To Make Your Parents Agree for Love Marriage

Young couples usually struggle to convince their parents to accept a marriage based on love. Many Muslim parents prefer arranged marriages due to cultural traditions and social expectations.

Even if you’ve found the person of your dreams, conflicts can arise when your parents don’t support the idea of a love marriage or don’t think your partner is suitable.

Below is the Dua To Make Your Parents Agree for Love Marriage by which you can convince your parents to love marriage and make them understand you and your choices more.

Dua To Make Your Parents Agree For Love Marriage is :

Rabbi hab lee minas saali heen Fabash shar naahu big hulaamin haleem Falammaaa aslamaa wa talla hoo lilja been Wa naadainaahu ai yaaaa Ibraheem

(Quran Chapter 37)

This powerful dua is mentioned in the 37th chapter of the Quran, Surah As-Saaffat (Those Who Set The Ranks).

Dua To Make Your Parents Agree for Love Marriage

How To Perform this Dua For Convincing Parents For Love Marriage

Dua for Convincing Parents for Love Marriage

Here are the five easy steps to perform Dua For Convincing Parents For Love Marriage

  1. Perform Wudu ( Ablution )

    Firstly, Clean yourself before performing the dua

  2. Read Darood sharif

    After performing wudu, Recite Darood Sharif eleven times.

  3. Recite 11 Names of Allah

    Now, you have to read 11 most loving names of Allah.

  4. Read This Dua For Love Marriage Acceptance

    After recitation, Read the above dua 211 times.

  5. Pray to Allah SWT

    Finally, Pray to the almighty

Important Wazifas To Convince Parents For Love Marriage

It can be challenging to convince strict muslim parents to agree to love marriage within an Islamic context. However, with the right approach, understanding, and patience, it is possible. By Performing these Important Wazifas To Convince Parents For Love Marriage, you can easily make them agree for your marriage.

You can also read Dua to Break Engagement and Marriage if you are forced to marry someone without your choice.

1. Wazifa of Surah Maryam To Make Parents Agree For Love Marriage :

Surah Maryam is powerful for addressing issues related to love and marriage. It can be very helpful in gaining your parents’ support for a marriage based on love. Discover a powerful surah that brings incredible benefits and can even help with love marriages. It’s known for removing obstacles that may be standing in the way of your love marriage. You can read Benefits of Surah Ar Rahman.

Here is the stepwise guide for performing Wazifa of Surah Maryam For Love Marriage :

  • Firstly, It is important to clean yourself before making wazifa.
  • After completing the ritual of Wudu, it is recommended to recite Durood e pak (a specific prayer) 11 times as an act of praise and sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad.
  • You have to recite this verse of Surah Maryam 201 times.
Wazifa of Surah Maryam For Love Marriage
  • After completing the verse of Surah recite durood shareef 11 times again.
  • Pray sincerely to Allah SWT, asking for your parents’ approval and for a blessed marriage.

2. Surah Yasin Wazifa for Convincing Parents Love Marriage :

Reciting Surah Yasin helps in removing obstacles and open doors of mercy. Surah Yasin is the heart of the Quran and hold immense blessings. If you have been in a relationship with someone for a long time who made you promise to marry and now he is denying to marry you, then you can read Dua To Change Someone’s Heart And Mind.

Here is the stepwise method for performing Wazifa of Surah Yasin For Love Marriage :

  • Perform Ablution First

First, make sure to cleanse yourself and perform a refreshing wuzu.

  • Read Durood E Pak

After completing Wudu, recite Durood e pak 11 times .

  • Read these 7 verses of Surah Yasin 11 times
Wazifa of Surah Yasin For Convincing Parents Love Marriage

Best Time to perform this dua: Anytime, but especially after Fajr and Maghrib prayers. This Dua will give peace to your mind and heart after a few days when you can convince your parents to marriage.

3. Wazifa of Ayat-e-Karima To Convince Parents For Love Marriage

Ayat-e-Karima is a powerful verse that Prophet Yunus (AS) recited when he was inside a whale. This dua is known for providing relief from the pain during hard times.

Here are the easy steps to perform the Wazifa of Ayat-e-Karima :

  • Perform Wuzu and sit in a clean place.
  • Recite Durood Ibrahim 11 times.
  • Recite the following verse 101 times:
Dua of Ayat-e-Karima To Convince Parents
  • After completing the verse Ayat-e-Karima recite Durood Ibrahim 11 times again.
  • At last pray sincerely to Allah SWT, asking for His guidance to soften your parents’ hearts and allow them to accept your love marriage.
Wazifa of Ayat-e-Karima To Convince Parents For Love Marriage

Best Time to make this dua: Anytime, but preferably in the last third of the night (Tahajjud time).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Is there a simple dua for love marriage that I can recite at any time?

    Yes you can recite this verse 51 times “Inneee Anaa Rabb buka fakhla na laika in naka bilwa adil muqad dasi Tuwaa” (Quran chapter 20)

  2. Which Surah is best to convince parents for marriage?

    Surah Maryam and Surah Yasin are the best surah to make your parents agree to your love marriage.

  3. Which dua can I pray for my parents to accept a proposal?

    You can recite verse 14 and 15 of Chapter 46 of Quran Surah Ahqaf ( The Sandhill ).

Conclusion of Dua For Convincing Parents For Love Marriage :

If your parents don’t like your partner, it can be very stressful for you. You might worry constantly about what will happen if they try to arrange a marriage for you. While we all want our parents’ blessings, their disapproval can be very upsetting.

In such situations, you can perform a Dua For Convincing Parents For Love Marriage. When you ask for help from Allah, ensure your intentions are pure and you completely trust the almighty. Also, have respectful and loving conversations with your parents, convincing them to agree to your love marriage.

Muhammad Bilal is a renowned Islamic Scholar who has dedicated his life to helping Muslim brothers and sisters around the globe with the help of the Quran.

2 thoughts on “Dua for Convincing Parents for Love Marriage”

  1. Only because of you was I able to convince my parents to marry me; otherwise, I would have been stuck for life with someone I could never love. I believe it was Allah’s plan to make me visit your website and get in touch with you. Thanks, brother, for everything you did for me.


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