Are you looking for a Dua for Husband Love? Don’t look any further; on this page, you will find the most powerful Dua for husband wife love. Read the complete article to understand the method properly.
Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals, requiring love, understanding, and attraction to thrive. In Islam, the relationship between a husband and wife is highly valued, and various duas and prayers can be recited to strengthen the love and attraction between spouses.
For those wanting to ensure their husband’s safety and well-being, explore this Dua For Husband Protection, Health, and Success to keep him blessed and secure.
Powerful Dua For Husband Love From Quran
It is common for your husband to lose compassion or interest in you after a few years of marriage. The dua for husband love is a prayer that will help you attract your husband to you.
Even if you are a newlywed couple and you think your husband is not giving you enough attention, you can ask Allah for help by performing the following romantic dua for husband love.
Step no. | How to perform the step |
First step: | Make a fresh wudu (Ablution). |
Second step: | Recite Durood Sharif with Ayat-ul-Kursi three times. |
Third step: | Read Surah Taha three times. |
Fourth step: | Read the following Verse: “O Allah, instill my love in my husband’s heart just as You have instilled Your love in the hearts of Your servants” 500 times. |
Fifth Step: | Again, recite Durood Sharif with Ayat-ul-Kursi three times. |
Sixth Step: | Pray to Allah SWT and Make a Dua for husband love. |

Perform this “dua for your husband to love you more” for seven days, and you will notice the change in his behavior towards you. Soon, you will see the spark of love returning to your married life.
If you want more peace in your marriage, view this Dua To Increase Love In Husband Heart to strengthen understanding and mutual respect in your relationship.
Strong Dua For Husband and Wife Love
The Dua for husband-wife love is a way to ask Allah to bless you with a happy matrimonial relationship. A husband-and-wife relationship is meant to last forever, but sometimes, misunderstandings can ruin a beautiful relationship.
When you read the “Dua to Make Your Husband Love You,” your relationship with your spouse will improve. He will start giving you the care and attention that you truly deserve.
It is hard to be a wife who doesn’t get all the love from her husband. We recommend you follow the steps below to perform dua to make your husband love you.
# | Description |
1. | Clean yourself by performing wudu. |
2. | Recite Durood Sharif three times. |
3. | Read the following Verse: “Allahumma ij’al qalba zawji raheeman wa muhibban li” 500 times. Translation: “O Allah, make my husband’s heart compassionate and loving towards me.” |
4. | After completing the verse, recite Durood Shareef 3 times. |
5. | Pray sincerely to Allah SWT, asking to make your husband love you. |

Read husband wife love dua for 21 days and don’t tell anyone about it and just wait and keep faith in Allah SWT and you will see the results on the second day.
If you’re looking to strengthen your marriage, consider this Dua to Stop Divorce as a way to seek Allah’s guidance and bring love and harmony back into your relationship.
Dua For Husband and Wife Love is meant to increase love between a couple.
If you’re facing challenges in your marriage, explore this Dua To Solve Conflicts Between Husband And Wife to bring peace and understanding into your relationship.
Effective Islamic Wazifa For Husband Love
If you want to perform an wazifa for husband love in Islam then we are giving you all the details of how to perform it. First you need a pen and paper so keep it with you while performing the wazifa for love. You have to stay in the form of wudu during the process.
Follow these steps to perform Wazifa for husband wife love:
- Recite Durood Sharif three times.
- Read Surah An-Nisa once.
- Write down the following verse on the paper: “Allahumma j’al mawaddatan wa rahmatan baynana.”
- Again recite Durood Sharif three times.
- Pray to Allah to make your husband love you.
The Translation of the verse you written on the paper is: “O Allah, place love and mercy between us.” You have to keep that paper with you. You have to perform the wazifa for husband love for 21 days and daily write the verse on the same piece of paper.

If you have any doubt then you can comment below or connect with us on WhatsApp.
If you want to revive your marriage, consider this Dua to Get Husband Back to restore love and connection in your relationship.
Rabbi Inni Lima Anzalta Dua For Husband Love
Rabbi inni lima anzalta is One dua for husband love and attraction in Islam. If you want to perform this method then first you need to know everything about it. Don’t worry you will get all the knowledge about Rabbi inni lima anzalta dua here.
Dua for husband attraction and love:
“Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer”
This dua translates to:
“O my Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me.”
Dua for husband attraction is a method to strengthen marriage in Islam. Insha Allah, the Following Islamic method will help you to gain the desired relationship with your spouse.
Here is Dua For Spouse Love And Attraction
Recite the dua with sincerity and faith it will help you create a strong bond of love and attraction between husband and wife. Here are steps to perform this dua effectively:
Find a peaceful and quiet place:
Choose a calm, quiet environment where you can focus and connect with Allah. It can be your prayer room, a quiet corner in your house, or any place you feel at peace.
Perform ablution:
Before reciting the dua, make sure to perform ablution (wudu) to purify yourself. This will help you focus better during the supplication.
Recite the dua “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer” with sincerity:
Begin by praising and glorifying Allah, then recite the dua for husband love and attraction with utmost sincerity and devotion. Visualize your husband and the love and attraction you desire in your relationship while reciting the dua.
Repeat the dua multiple times:
To make your dua more powerful, repeat it multiple times. You can recite it 7, 11, or 21 times, depending on your preference and availability of time.
Have faith in Allah:
Believe that Allah is listening to your prayers and that He has the power to grant your wishes. Have complete faith in His mercy and ability to bring love and attraction into your marriage.

Benefits of Reading A Dua For Husband and Wife Love
- Keeps a marriage filled with love.
- Increase understanding between husband and wife.
- Solve fights and tensions in a relationship.
- Create a happy and healthy environment for your child and family.
- Protects you from the evil eyes of other people.
- Make your relationship stronger.
- Bring blessings of Allah SWT in your life.
What is the short dua for husband love?
If you want to perform a quick dua for your husband love then perform wudu and recite “Rabbi habli min ladunka mawaddatan wa rahmatan” and pray to Allah SWT to get husband love. Meaning of the verse: “My Lord, grant me love and mercy from You.”
Which surah is for husband love?
The Surah Yasin is the most powerful and effective surah to increase love between husband and wife. Recite Surah Yasin daily after the Fajr prayer, and there will be no problem between you and your spouse.
How to gain husband love in Islam?
If you want to gain husband love in Islam, recite Surah Al-Furqan, Ayah 74, as much as possible after Isha prayer. Insha Allah, your husband will be madly in love with you.
In addition to reciting the Dua For Husband Love, it is also important to take practical steps to strengthen the love and attraction in your marriage. Here are some tips:
- Communicate openly: Effective communication is the key to any successful relationship. Talk to your husband about your feelings, desires, and concerns. Listen to him attentively and try to understand his perspective as well.
- Show appreciation and affection: Express your love and appreciation for your husband regularly. Small gestures of affection, such as hugs, kisses, and compliments, can go a long way in strengthening the bond between you.
- Spend quality time together: Make an effort to spend quality time with your husband. Plan dates and outings, or simply enjoy each other’s company at home. This will help in nurturing the love and attraction in your marriage.
- Seek guidance from a knowledgeable person: If you are facing challenges in your marriage, consider seeking guidance from a knowledgeable person, such as an Islamic scholar or a marriage counselor. They can provide valuable advice and support.
Remember, love and attraction in a marriage require effort and dedication from both partners. By reciting the dua for husband love and attraction in Islam and implementing practical steps, you can strengthen your bond and create a loving and fulfilling relationship.