If you are a woman whose marriage has been broken for some reason and you want your husband back in your life, you can perform the Dua to Get Husband Back After Divorce. The following article is to help all our Muslim sisters around the world live happy and prosperous lives.
If you are currently in the process of divorce and it’s not final yet, you can read Dua to stop divorce. It will save your marriage and protect your beautiful relation for a lifetime.
Once Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Said :
“When a husband and wife lovingly look at each other, it is said that Allah looks at both of them with wisdom and mercy.”– Sahih Bukhari 6:19 Tirmidhi
If you’re seeking peace and relief from stress, explore this dua for Peace of Mind, which will help you find inner calm through Islamic prayers.
Dua for husband’s love after separation
Sometimes, people cannot see others happy, and they use some kind of black magic or evil eye to separate a happily married couple. They try every possible thing to separate a happily living couple.
A happy Marriage usually breaks down if someone else comes between you and your husband. If your husband puts someone else before you and he gets influenced by these haram things, then this situation can lead to separation. Read Dua For Cheating Husband if your husband is not loyal to you.
Suppose your husband has left you for some reason and is living separately from you with another woman, and you want to regain your husband’s love and leave that woman forever. In that case, you can perform Dua for husband’s love after separation.
A wife can read dua to make husband listen to his wife if he is not giving her enough attention.

Translation of Dua To Get Husband Back After Divorce in english :
“O Allah, please bring love between my soul and my husband’s soul, bring him back to my home, and bless us to live happy lives with each other just as You have brought love between the hearts of Your devoted servants. O Allah, help us come together in goodness and fix any issues between us.” ( Quran 25:74 )
If you hope your wishes will come true, discover this Dua To Get What You Want, a powerful prayer for fulfilling your desires through faith.
Learn How to Perform The Dua To Get Husband Back After Divorce
Before you start the dua to get husband back, follow these essential guidelines to help ensure that your dua is accepted as soon as possible. Here is the six-step guide you must follow before making the dua.
- Take a moment to find a quiet place, sit calmly, and face the Qiblah ( direction of Al Kabah).
- While performing a dua, please use an ittar or a non-alcoholic perfume.
- You must read the wording with the correct pronunciation.
- The time and place must be the same every day.
- Avoiding talking to anyone or being distracted is essential when reciting a prayer.
- Make sure to consistently perform the dua every day without missing a single one.
Islamic method of Performing Dua To Get Husband Back After Divorce

Here are the simple steps for performing Dua To Get Husband Back After Divorce:
Purify Yourself
You must be in wudu while you read a dua. Your clothes and body must be clean.
Start with Praising
Begin your prayers by praising Allah. Read 99 names of the almighty Allah SWT
Recite Durood Ibrahim
After reading the 99 names , recite durood ibrahim five times.
Read Surah Al-Mumtahina
Now read the fourth verse of Chapter 60 of the Quran, which is Surah Al-Mumtahanah (The Woman Who Is Tested).
Now Read the Dua for Husband Back 111 times
The Dua For Husband back After Divorce is “Allahumma allif bayna qalbi wa qalbi zawji kama allafta bayna quloobi ‘ibadika as-saliheen, Allahumma ajma’ baynana bil-khayr waslih dhaata baynina.” Recite this verse after every salah (prayer), especially Fajr and Isha.
Pray To Allah SWT
Make a heartfelt dua in your words and ask Allah to bring peace and harmony into your marriage and to bring your husband back home.
If you want to rekindle the lost love and solve the conflicts in your marriage then you can do Dua to stop fight between husband wife.
Dua to Bring Back Ex-Husband After Divorce
In marriage, partners share their sorrows, love, trust, and understanding. However, these feelings can change over time. The worst situation occurs when this loving relationship turns into regular fights, arguments, misunderstandings, and even cheating, and this situation in marriage finally leads to divorce.
The Dua For Husband Love can help you increase love in your husband’s heart.
Divorce can be an emotional and challenging experience, but with the help of Allah (SWT), Only Allah has the power to heal our hearts and mend our relationship. But now the question arises: how to bring back Ex-husband after divorce, especially with the help of Islamic dua and prayer?
So Here, we are sharing Islamic Dua to Bring Back Ex-Husband After Divorce with complete guidance that can be a powerful tool in reuniting with your ex-husband after divorce.

A Stepwise Guide To Perform Dua to Bring Back Ex-Husband After Divorce
If you want bring your husband’s love back in your life, then You should follow the procedure of Dua To Get Husband Back After Divorce Given below
- Make a Fresh Ablution and wear clean clothes.
- Start by reading Durood Shareef Twenty-one times.
- Now read verses 1 to 5 of Surah Al-Mujadilah once.
- After completing Surah read this dua to bring back ex husband 101 times :
“Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhurriyyatina qurrata a’yunin wa-j’alna lil-muttaqina imama.”
رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا
- Conclude with reading Durood Shareef twenty-one times again.
- In the end, make a heartfelt dua to Allah SWT in your words and ask the almighty to bring your ex-husband back.

For best results, recite this dua consistently for eleven days after the Fajr salah. You’ll begin to see visible changes in no time.
Daily Dua For Husband Love in Quran
The bond between a husband and a wife is considered one of the purest relationships in Islam. Marriage is a lifelong commitment that the almighty Allah creates. You can also read Dua To Make Husband Listen His Wife if your husband doesn’t give you enough attention.
In marriage, partners share their sorrows, love, trust, and understanding. However, these feelings can change over time. So to rekindle the love in your husband heart you can read this Dua For Husband Love in Quran.
“Rabbunaa ya’lamu innaaa ilaikum lamursaloon”
Translation : “Our Lord is aware that we have been sent as messengers to you.”
This verse is taken from the 36th chapter of the Quran, Surah Yasin, verse 16. It is the best dua for getting the husband’s love.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Which Surah is the best to get husband back after divorce?
If you want to get your husband back after divorce, you must recite verses 9 to 14 of Surah Al-Mumtahina after every Salah 208 times regularly for 14 days.
What is the best dua to get husband back after separation?
You can read this Islamic dua to learn how to reunite with your husband after separation. “‘Asa Allahu an yaj’ala baynakum wa bayna alladhina ‘adaytum minhum mawaddatan wallahu qadirun wallahu ghafurur raheem.”
What is the best time to read this dua?
You can make dua any time of the day. Ensure the dua is a heart-to-heart conversation with the almighty Allah SWT.